Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak – Berserker Runner Zombies + Bonus Fatties, part 1

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Runner Zombies + Bonus Fatties

Today’s unweildly-titled post shows the first half of the Berserker Runner Zombies from the Prison Outbreak standalone expansion. The colour scheme of prison orange and cooked-lobster red carapace pretty much follows the same one I used on the Berserker Abominations and then the Berserker Fatties. It’ll certainly keep them easily distinguished from the other Zombie variations!

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Runner Zombies

While it’s certainly true that these aren’t exactly sexy model blog content, they are very much useful models for our actual tabletop games, especially given that we got up to the stage of using the Berserkers in our little campaign, so now I feel like I need to delay playing again until I’ve gotten all of these finished…

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Runner Zombie + Bonus Fatties

The first batch of models I managed to get cleaned up were the dozen of the first runner sculpt, and along with those I also got the three extra Fatties from the little Berseker add-on pack I picked up recently – and one of the second sculpt – so I painted those as well. Now I just need to finish trimming – and then paint the dozen or so more of that second runner sculpt and I’ll have all of my Berserkers except for the Walkers done. Something to aim for in September, then…