Zombicide Survivors “Kabir” & “Miss Trish” (Kunal Nayyar as Rajesh Koothrappali & Melissa Rauch as Bernadette Rostenkowski from Big Bang Theory)

Another nice long post title today. I actually went out of my way to shorten it by putting these two BBT homage models together rather than posting the models in chronological order of getting ’em finished.

Painting Raj and Bernadette brings us 4 of the 6 BBT models painted. Remaining are Amy and of course, Sheldon. Unfortunately, while I’ve managed to get the Zombvivor version of Sheldon (or “Dave”) I haven’t got the living version and haven’t yet found a particularly good proxy aside from one half-decent STL on MMF.

Painting both of these was pretty straightforward in the end as their card art was very repesentative of some of their common outfits in the show.

Bernadette’s busy, floral dress is the biggest reason that I took so many years to even attempt her, but a potential solution came to me one night a week and a bit ago while trying to get to sleep. Stippling with a few key colours and then some tiny dabs.

Ultimately, it’s not a perfect representation or Golden Demon-winning, but I think I pulled it off – certainly well enough for a tiny boardgame model.

Raj’s outfit is likewise taken pretty much directly from the show. Perhaps the fatigue pants on my model are a little greener, but GIS appears to shows a few shades of green/brown/olive/khaki, so again, I’m happy with it for the tabletop.

I’m out of interesting things to write about these two. I guess I should get (back) onto painting Amy and have another poke around to find a suitable Sheldon so we can have a Big Bang-themed run through some Zombicide missions!