Community Painting Challenges for 2018

Leonard the Cat and LPS Bub look to the future of painting challenges.

So as Painting Decembuary seems to have been reasonably successful for those of us participating, I’ve been asked about other challenges. I have an idea that I think manages to keep it simple but hopefully focused enough to keep it interesting for anyone who chooses to participate.

February and March will be small challenges. I may or may not have an initial round-up post at the start of the month and a single wrap-up post for each of these two – but no more than that.

Mega-City One Judge. Adeptus Arbites in Power Armour, RTB01 Marine.

This guy was REALLY neglected. For over a decade.

February will be “Finish a neglected model” month. Simply complete a single model (or more if you want) that you started painting at least 6 months ago, but still sits unfinished.

A game-legal unit of Minotaur Space Marine Devastators wot I finished.

March will be “Finish a legal unit” month. I don’t care if or when you started the unit – or even how many models are in it. Just finish it. It could be 100 goblins or one Space Marine Medic. As long as it’s a legal unit for a game, then it counts.

Example photo from (Mine are in a box in the shed!) Look at all those sprues! Euggggh!

April will be “Assembly-Easter”. Where we celebrate not with chocolate eggs but by assembling something largish that you’ve been putting off for months or longer. I’m sure we’ve all got something like that. Depending on interest, I might do semi-regular updates as with Decembuary.

May and June will probably repeat the “neglected model” and “legal unit” challenges – simple and easily-achievable things that can nonetheless help to motivate us to get some more stuff finished – before another more “Main” Painting challenge in July. We’ll figure that out later, depending on interest – along with anything further through the year.

For a small donation of time this coming month, you can give your neglected models some paint and flock so they can find a new home on your shelf instead of thrown in a box.

If Un-Neglect February strikes your fancy, then start thinking about what poor neglected model(s) you might have hanging around that you might be motivated to pull out of that cabinet, out of that figure case, out of that box, out of that sandwich bag – and get them finally finished off.

The criteria for February: Simply complete a single model (or more if you want) that you started painting at least 6 months ago, but still sits unfinished.

If you’d like to participate, please let me know in the comments here. Or don’t, if you prefer – but I can’t include you in round-ups if I don’t know you’re out there. I’ll do an intro post next week, then post your updates on your own blogs at your own pace. I’ll than do a wrap-up post at the end of next month.