Citadel Blood Bowl Trolls (1988) – and a big Oldhammer Unit

Citadel Blood Bowl Trolls (1988)

Blood Bowl Trolls (1988) with Fantasy Battle-style basing.

Both of these trolls were released in July 1988 – with White Dwarf 103 and following Blood Bowl 2nd Edition. I got my first one of this sculpt around that time, alongside the ogre. Over the following years I picked up another two of the trolls, and as I already had one painted up for Blood Bowl, decided to paint them as Warhammer Fantasy Battle Trolls. The pair have remained prety much untouched since they were originally painted. The green one had an awful club made of sprue that I’ve since removed, and I’ve recently rebased both to bring them up to my “modern” speed.

Citadel Blood Bowl Trolls (1988)

I believe that these two were both painted before the C20 trolls shown recently were started. I removed the horn/spike from the shoulder in an effort to differentiate the two, which is obviously who one was painted green and the other purple. It’s also why one of them had an awful club, which I’ve since removed.

Blood Bowl Trolls, C20 Swamp Troll

My latest batch of Oldhammer Trolls, arranged as a Kings of War Regiment.


I based the BB trolls in a very similar manner to the C20 Swamp Troll, using Army Painter Swamp Tufts. Hopefully they give the impression wet, rich soil when combined with my standard bases.

C20 Swamp Troll, C20 Cave Troll, C20 Hill Troll, C20 Warrior Troll, Blood Bowl Trolls (1988)

All Six Oldhammer Trolls – Arranged as a Kings of War “Horde” Unit.


And now the full “Oldhammer Troll” group shot. All the rest of my trolls are newer models, though only one of those 4th? 5th? Edition trolls is even started. I might need to try to finish him off soon now…

8 thoughts on “Citadel Blood Bowl Trolls (1988) – and a big Oldhammer Unit

    • I can see that – they’re pretty bloody lurid, aren’t they? Still, I’m happy enough to keep each of the old trolls I paint to their “historical” tones and colours somewhat, so the 4th/5th Ed trolls will also all be based around Ultramarine Blue, while the newer model or two will be painted in more “realistic” tones, more inspired by LotR’s trolls.


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