Iron Warriors Army Building – And One More Makes Ten (and post #400!)

So here we are. 400 posts since I started the blog in 2009. I only noticed that number in my dashboard a few minutes ago, so there’s no long, reflective post for it. I’ll try to be more aware when we get to 500 and do all of that stuff then. For today, we’ll get back to the models!

Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines, Forge World

So that Iron Warriors “Tactical” squad that I got up to 9 guys last August? Well, I finally finished their 10th man. Because I’m fast and focused like that.

Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines, Forge World

I used a mix of parts, which was why I started buying “Historical” armour sets from Forge World in the first place, long before 30k was even a thing. It just took years for me to get interested in 40k enough to motivate me to finish the half-done squad, let alone build and paint the last man.

Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines, Forge World

My 40k Iron Warriors are going to be much more hybrids of 30k-and-up armour sets than Blanche’s early sketches of “Space Barbarian Vikings” covered in fur and horns and spikes. Those things might make an occasional subtle accessory appearance here and there, but they won’t be the main show. While I’m happy to add some decoration and flourish, I also want to keep them cold and businesslike. As always, transfers for the Chapter Badge and Legion Number, and freehand for the hazard striping.

Iron Warriors Assault Marine

Malleus Tempus – Hammer Time

The other model today is “Hammer Time” from the Iron Warriors “Assault” Squad from a few months ago. D&B, Mikko and I had a brief discussion on the pun-tastic options for this guy and I eventually decided to do it. “Writing” legible script in paint at this size is always a challenge, and I found that using metallic paint (even really nice, thin, well pigmented stuff like VMA) to do so instead of black makes it all the more sketchy. Blown up like this, it looks a bit crap, but in hand it looks decent.