Army Battle Bridge Set (January Terrain 2019)

So, we brought Dad home from the Hospital again on Friday afternoon, and so a life returns somewhat to what passes for “normal” these days, I spent a bit of time yesterday trying to catch up on people’s blog posts. Today I’ve been out in the shed taking some photos, so that I can bring January to a close and then move onto February’s stuff.

Back when Amazon US still delivered to Australia, I picked up four 2-packs of “Army Battle Bridge Set” – which are basically from the “PVC Toy Soldier” genre – since they were (reasonably) cheap – at least by Australian Standards. So in January, I finally got around to painting them. Pretty simple overall – I did three in bare (rusty) metal and two more in my custom “Necromunda Blue” spray. And then rusted them up a bit, too using washes and powders. I also edged four of them with some hazard stripe decals that I printed off, for more Necro-feels.

And here they are, as I’d use them. The new Sector Mechanicus terrain is very nice and all, but there’s always a place on my table for simple ramp-bridges that can be placed between any suitable elevated pieces. I need to finish off more of those! These also have the added benefit of being able to fit in with pretty much any game from WWII through moderns through to post-apoc and at a variety of scales – rather than looking like they really only fit into the 40k-verse.

This concludes my (belated) January posts. Next up will be my personal round-up, and then I’ll get the community round-up done as soon as I can…

Quick update.

Q. Where’s the Community Round-up for January, you slack bastard?

A. Dad’s been in hospital again. Hopefully he comes out tomorrow or Monday. Blog posts will resume shortly afterwards. No need for “best wishes” and such – I know this little community well enough to know that they’re there whether they’re written here or not. 🙂

I’ve done a bit of reading and commenting, but haven’t felt up to post writing or photographing stuff, so hopefully next week I’ll be back up & running and can finish my January posts (just 1 to go, then my round-up, then the community one).

Warburton – let me know a way to contact you so I can send you the box list and we can sort out me sending them to you! (got the boxes of boxes down from the top shelf the other day)