Archon Studios Ramparts – “Kazumi Extras”

Archon Studios Ramparts - "Kazumi Extras"

These small models technically just missed Dave Stone’s of Season of Scenery Challenge as I finished them on this last weekend, though I did have them on the go for awhile before that, so we’ll see if Dave decides to include them in his final round-up for the 2023 Season.

Archon Studios Ramparts - "Kazumi Extras"

Once I cleared the Taxis and Pimpmobiles, I was able to focus on getting these smaller pieces of scatter done. They really didn’t take all that long to get the painting done once I got going.

Archon Studios Ramparts - "Kazumi Extras"

Before the paint, I spent a bunch of time texturing them by stippling them with my faithful AK Easycast texture medium to get rid of the smooth plastic texture and add in that roughness.

Archon Studios Ramparts - "Kazumi Extras"

Paint process was painting them in dark green, then 3 successively lighter drybrushes of Khaki/Medium Stone through to off-white. Black-brown wash of “Marine Juice” and then some thinned green glazed over the bottom areas to add the mossy effect.

Archon Studios Ramparts - "Kazumi Extras"

These crystal things were painted in using off-white, then pale yellow before being hit with Tessaract Glow.

Archon Studios Ramparts - "Kazumi Extras"

Finally, here’s a trio of models from different game systems to provide scale shots. One more Season of Scenery post to come!

14 thoughts on “Archon Studios Ramparts – “Kazumi Extras”

  1. These are cool little sculpts and you did a great job painting them up as always. I’m curious what you might use them for in the future. There are lots of possibilities so I can’t but wonder!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks mate – no real plans really, but the non-crystal pieces are so generic that they can go in a lot of places from fantasy to jungle scenes or even in a moden setting (maybe in a Zoo!) The crystals are a bit more fantasy/sci-fi oriented, but they’ll go into a little scenery container to be brought out on the odd occasion when I think “hey, maybe those will work here!”

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks mate – very easy to replicate. Just a pale yellow with the Citadel Tessaract Glow over the top. Might need to do it from a few different angles and let it dry to let the different sides stand out. Then painted with Citadel gloss varnish over the top.

      Liked by 2 people

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