Chaos Cultist (Paul Muller, 1999)

Chaos Cultist. Paul Muller, 1999

Here we have the final model of this particular batch – and the one that initiated this little batch of five-seven models being tweaked and completed. This model is my second of my trio of Chaos Cultists released kind of out of the blue in 1999, sculpted by the very talented Paul Muller. There were only 8 total models in the range and were a kind of “blink and you missed them” release, similar to the Frateris Militia from roughly around the same time. On looking at these pics, I see I missed getting his shoulder tattoo properly. just rest arrured that he is indeed wearing some ink, which blies a very subtle nod to his true allegiance… 😉

Chaos Cultist. Paul Muller, 1999

As you can see, the whole “black and flaming” thing works well on this particular range of Chaos Cultists just as well as it fits on actual Proper Preacher models, Flagellants as noted yesterday and of course the Redemptionist and Cawdor models this guy was painted alongside.  The newer plastic Cultists are more in the vein of post-apoc scavengers and Imperial Guard renegades than the “robed and masked” thing that these older cultists have going, but that’s fine. A variety of styles for me just means the models can be used in more ways! This guy was actually the second of the three models that Marouda picked out off the table for me to finish off a week or two ago, along with the Champion of Slaanesh and a non-gaming-miniature that I just finished last night and have yet to take a photo of – followed by a rather good boy. I’ve picked a few more models myself to polish off, and then I’ll get her to choose some more and see how long I can keep this run going for!

Chaos Cultists. Paul Muller, 1999

I thought I should throw in a pic of the new blood alongside his Muller-Cultist brother. There’s still the third one of these from that long-ago blister (really wish I’d gotten more of them now). Not sure where he is, but I suspect (hope!) that he’s nested in with my unpainted Cawdor and Redemptionist models in whatever box they’re in. I’m writing this post during a WAH break, as my mind has started to melt from the last several hours of sitting, typing and working out things on documents. After this I’ll have to get up and walk around, and then get back to the grind for another hour or so before clocking off for the day. Oh yeah, another model for Ann’s “Paint the Crap You Already Own!” challenge. In fact, it’s almost like this next photo works really well for it…

Chaos Cultist. Paul Muller, 1999. Necromunda '95, Cawdor, Alan Perry, 1995. Redemptionists, Gary Morley.

Finally, to finish off this post, I thought I’d throw up a group shot of the Cawdor/Redemption/Cult models that Marouda’s pick of today’s highlighted model led to me getting done. Not too bad, I don’t think – and as you can see, the models from these three ranges and three sculptors work exceedingly well together. Of course the paint gives them a lot of unity, but the sculpts really work well together as well. I’ll get my old Cawdor models that were already painted photographed shortly as well – but before I do that I want to find where the preachers and flagellants and other related models are first for a big group shot when I post them up!

Adeptus Ministorum Priests: Imperial Preacher 1 (1997), Chaos Cultist (1999), (converted) Redemptionist (1997) – Neglected February 2019

Imperial Preacher 1 (1997), Chaos Cultist (1999), (converted) Redemptionist (1997)

This trio of models was completed in February, after a long, long time in the making. So long, in fact that I don’t precisely recall when they were started, though I do know that they were all started independently of one another, and it was only over the years that the three became a trio of models that I stored and considered together.

The first one of these models, on our left with the sword – is the second of my “proper” Preachers that I painted from the line that came out with the 2nd Edition Sisters of Battle Codex. The first was done years ago now, but I’m not sure where the model is, though improbably, the other model is still available new from GW. Possibly with some of my Imperial Guard, or more likely in one of the two missing figures cases that house a lot of my Blood Bowl and Necromunda figures. I’ll take some pics and post him up when I find him. This guy is the one that we’d always joke around and refer to as “Keith from The Prodigy”, because of his hairstyle. A bit grim in a way for me to have just finished him and have been listening a little to The Prodigy recently. 😦

Imperial Preacher 1 (1997), Chaos Cultist (1999), (converted) Redemptionist (1997)

The second of these models – the shirtless fellow in the middle – is from the small range of metal Chaos Cultists released during 3rd Edition 40k in 1999. There were two Demagogues and six Cultists. I have a couple more of these, but I’m not sure if I got all of them. This guy is “Chaos Cultist 6”, but I felt like he wasn’t exceptionally Chaos-y, and with an appropriate paint job would fit in with the wider group of Redemptionists, who I had painted in similar schemes, along with my Preachers and even my WHFB Flagellants. This was to create a consistent visual theme between the models where you could see that the Redemptionists and even my Cawdor, who could sub for Ministorum Troops, PDF or Imperial Guard – as well as Necromunda Gangers (and, obviously, cultists of almost whatever was needed). This of course, is where the divergent styles of basing that I’m doing now in the twenty-teens creates a potential problem.

Imperial Preacher 1 (1997), Chaos Cultist (1999), (converted) Redemptionist (1997)

The third of these preachers was originally a Necromunda Redemptionist model, specifically – Brethren with Stub Gun and Autopistol. As you can see, the Stub Gun was removed and replaced with a bell on a chain (from the plastic WHFB Zombie kit) and a bearded head from one of the Empire kits. Probably the kit that came packed in with Mordheim.

So that’s it. Though I am pretty pleased to have finally completed this trio of models that sat, part-finished and thoroughly Neglected for well over a decade and more!