D&D Monster Manual 8: Wrath of Ashardalon Orc Smashers and Gibbering Mouthers

This time, I’ve got another couple of trios of Wrath of Ashardalon figures. Despite both of these sets being finished a year or two ago now, I haven’t photographed them before. This is because my initial plan for both the Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon sets of figures was to paint them all up, and show them all off as completed sets – one for each of the boardgames. Obviously that hasn’t worked out, and so I’ve decided to show them off in this D&D subcategory, which will hopefully help me to finish them off.

Dungeons and Dragons – Wrath of Ashardalon “Orc Basher”

The Orc Basher is a nice enough figure. It’s a very different style of Orc to the much more familiar (to me) Warhammer Orc. I took my paint queues for these figures from the LotR Uruk-Hai of the White Hand. I was in two minds about actually painting a White Hand on their shields, but decided against it in the end in order to keep them a little more generic.

Dungeons & Dragons – Wrath of Ashardalon “Gibbering Mouthers”

Gibbering Mouthers are another of the oh-s0-very D&D creatures that inspired the new D&D category. When I saw these figures, it took a little while for me to work out what to do with them and how to paint them. Fleshy-looking tendrils of eyes and teeth? Hm. In the end, I decided that I had to paint them in a disgustingly wet, fleshy manner, with subdermal veins visible through the pinkish skin. Finished with satin varnish, and with some clear mucus of some kind dripping from one of their mouths via Water Effects.

Dungeons & Dragons – Wrath of Ashardalon "Gibbering Mouthers" “Orc Basher”

Dungeons and Dragons Ashardalon figures with Scale reference.

Once again, Heartbreaker Chronopia Kilt-wearing Celt-Barbarian Guy provides human-sized scale reference. The Orc is pretty much human scale but more heavy-set, while the Gibbering Mouth-breather is a bit shorter. In wargaming terms, the Orcs can easily fit into an Uruk unit of some kind anyway if need be, and manage to look quite decent in and of themselves. I guess the mouthers could either be mounted on top of 40mm bases to be something disgustingly daemonic/abyssal, or as a form of chaos spawn/beast of Nurgle. Or possibly Slaanesh.