D&D Monster Manual 58: The Legend of Drizzt – Irontooth, Goblin Champion; Goblin Cutters; Goblin Archers

D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, The Legend of Drizzt - Irontooth, Goblin Champion; Goblin Cutters; Goblin Archers

Another set of quick models today that I just started on earlier this week. The seven goblins (not dwarves) from the Legend of Drizzt D&D Adventure Board Game. Being models from the earlier boardgames, these would have been recycled sculpts from the prepaint range of the early 2000s and the quality then is what you’d expect. Shit quality.

D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, The Legend of Drizzt - Goblin Archers

With this in mind, they got the amount of care that such models deserve – the point entirely being to get them to the point of looking decent as fodder on a tabletop to enhance a boardgame. So while these models won’t be winning any awards, they’re certainly good enough to make a boardgame look good and by aesthetic extension, more fun.

D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, The Legend of Drizzt - Goblin Cutters

I also more-or-less copied the techniques and colour scheme of my Moria Goblins, since these models are about the same size and appearance style as those sculpts, as can be seen from this scale shot.

D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, The Legend of Drizzt - Irontooth, Goblin Champion; Goblin Cutters; Goblin Archers

Once again, these models are legit for Ann’s “Neglected But Not Forgotten” painting challenge.

Onto a more important point for many of our little circle of bloggers – looks like WordPress – in their infinite and constant fuckery of trying to force us all onto their new, shit editor – has nuked yet another way for us to use the Classic Editor by removing the link to the old Dashboard. Luckily, I had some already-open tabs since they updated the thing and worked out a way to continue doing so….

Go to this URL” (remove the spaces I added at the http and ://, and obviously add in the name of your own blog at the start of the actual URL)

https :// YOURBLOG.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=post&all_posts=1

Then, you should be able to follow this guide.

Let me know how and if it works for you. I’ve got my version of that URL bookmarked on my homepage….