Blackstone Fortress: the chaos marines

I loved what Dave Kay from Scent of a Gamer did with his Blackstone Fortress CSM so much that I had to reblog it. It also makes it super easy for when I want to paint my own Alpha Legion, so I can crib the method from him! 😉

Scent of a Gamer

The chaos space marines are some of the more fearsome foes of Blackstone Fortress. When it came to paint them I knew I wanted them to stand out somehow. I came across this instagram painting guide and decided to give it a go. I’m happy with how they came out

Blackstone Fortress, chaos space marines

The craft store metallic paint actually worked nicely. It was a pleasant surprise to even find it here in Australia, where the same brands aren’t always available. It worked as promised. Often craft store paints lack pigment so they don’t cover miniatures well and tend to streak. This metallic was fine though.

I used regular paints for every other part of the model, and I’ve deliberately left their bases black for now.

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