Finally Completed: A Mantic Terrain Crate Bunker Building

Mantic Terrain Crate BattleZones Bunker/Industrial Building

Back at the start of last year (2018), I finally dug out a bunch of my Mantic Terraincrate (formerly Battlezones) sprues from one of their endless Kickstarter campaigns and put together a building. I next sprayed it a dark metal, and then ruminated on what next to do with it. This past summer (Christmas 2018/19 for us Aussies) I tried to finish it, but only got partway through, and so it wasn’t until April that I finally got it completed.

Mantic Terrain Crate BattleZones Bunker/Industrial Building

When I first showed this piece in it’s WIP-form back then, I also asked for thoughts on how to paint it up, and the overwhelming response as for a dirty, “underhive”-esque scheme, so in the end I went with a custom spray can of what I call “Necromunda Blue” – based on a swatch from the blue that was so predominant throughout the terrain from the original Necromunda release

Mantic Terrain Crate BattleZones Bunker/Industrial Building

The interior (which can’t be seen in these shots) was sprayed in a light, yellowy-green, before dirtying-up. Not that anyone will ever properly look at it The exterior of the bunker was hit with Plastic Modelling Company weathering spray to stain it and dirty up the crevasses, before being wiped off.

Mantic Terrain Crate BattleZones Bunker/Industrial Building

Mantic Terrain Crate BattleZones Bunker/Industrial Building

Slices of industrial-striped custom decals were laid down in various logical-seeming places before either the random drybrush-wipes of metallic or the weathering spray

Mantic Terrain Crate BattleZones Bunker/Industrial Building

A simple piece in the end, but the colours are neutral enough so that it fits an exterior battlefield in 40k or a hive world factory in Necromunda quite easily, along with other games in related genres and settings. Time to assemble the next one and see if I can get it done in less then two years!(?)