Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand, Spider-Man

Today we have the final model from my Marvel Crisis Protocol Core set – the final piece of the puzzle. The Daily Bugle newsstand.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand

I always knew roughly what I wanted to do with it – I wanted to plaster the windows with headlines and/or advertising – much like a real newsstand or newsagents’ window.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand

As mentioned with the Taxis, it wasn’t until a a bit over a week ago that I finally got the decal sheet printed. Not only did it have the decals for the other models, but also the selection of Daily Bugle newspaper’s large “front page” sheets. The sheet also has decals for another building that I hope to finish very soon, but that’s another post to come…

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand

Paint was pretty straightforward once I finally got going properly. The sign was done by dipping in and out over a couple of days along with the base colours on the doors, windowframes, roof and such. I then spray varnished it before coming back to add the decals and the first bit of shading and such before spraying again to seal all of that and coming in with the grime and streaking and weathering.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand

As with the Kazumi Ruins, this thing technically narrowly missed the end date of Dave Stone’s of Season of Scenery Challenge as I completed it last weekend. I’m still happy if Dave wishes to include it, but no stress if not!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand

The roof was weathered by wet-brushing in some shadows along the edges of the lip, then some stippling before adding a wash/glaze over the top of it all to represent accumulated grime.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand

Extra points if you can figure out what the magazines on the newsstand are!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand, Cosmic Terrain Pack Boxes

As a little bonus, here are the “boxes” from the Marvel Crisis Protocol Cosmic Terrain Pack – a set that I started, then restarted, and now have three-started again as I wasn’t happy with the previous versions. These desert-y-themed boxes come from the middle set, but they work well enough like this. And they’re small boxes, so the hell with repainting them! These were done during the SoS!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Daily Bugle Newsstand, Cosmic Terrain Pack Boxes, Spider-Man

And here’s the boxes on and around the completed Daly Bugle Newsstand, along with Spidey there for scale and laughing at JJJ’s attempts to discredit him!