Zombicide Survivors “Audrey” (Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang Theory) & “Mack” (Nicolas Cage as Cameron Poe from Con Air)

Zombicide Survivors "Audrey" (Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang Theory) & "Mack" (Nicolas Cage as Cameron Poe from Con Air)

We’re almost at the end of August’s models today. Posting got derailed by a combination of work being busy and Marouda having the plague – necessitating us living in different parts of the house for 2 weeks, so I’m now trying to catch up on things.

Zombicide Survivors "Audrey" (Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang Theory)

First up we have Zombicide’s take on Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang Theory – The card art was actually pretty accurate to one of Mayim Bialik’s outfits in the show, so I just copied it outright.

Zombicide Survivors "Audrey" (Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang Theory)

Both of Amy’s figures are pretty mediocre in my opinion, and there are STL equivalents out there that I may look into sometime later on. Still – as I do often say – this one is finished and ready for gaming and will look totally fine at tabletop range.

Zombicide Survivors "Mack" (Nicolas Cage as Cameron Poe from Con Air)

Our next figure is another slightly disappointing sculpt – this time it’s based on Nicolas Cage’s Cameron Poe from Con Air. I guess you already knew that from the post title, though! The sculpt isn’t bad as such – it’s just kind of middling. Or “mid” as the kids these days say. The living sculpt might be a bit better if Nic didn’t look like he was falling backwards, because his leg position and centre of balance is all wrong for taking a swing. Ironically, the dead version does it much more effectively!

Zombicide Survivors "Mack" (Nicolas Cage as Cameron Poe from Con Air)

Let’s not forget, though, that while neither of these are true works of art in their completed form, they are just boardgame models in the end, and my own interest in painting them well does vary by how nice the models are – they are all subject to the “good enough” rule.