Realm of Chaos – Citadel Chaos Warhound (WHFB 6th, Beasts of Chaos, 2003-4)

Another quick and simple one today – a Warhammer Fantasy Battle Chaos warhound from the final set of sculpts GW had on sale before they transitioned into the plastic range. In my opinion these were the best of the three metal ranges that they had over the years, over both the nostalgic-but-basic originals and then Trish Carden’s ones that weren’t bad but looked like everything else she’s ever sculpted with large silly scales added randomly all over them…

I do have several more of these to paint, but some of them arrived (from eBay) missing legs and still need assembly and repair, so… when it happens. This one I had for years before that, possibly as a random purchase from a blister pack.

This model is one that I started earlier in the year but then sat around on the desk since. I asked Marouda to pick a model for me to complete when she came out of isolation and this was one of the two that she selected. The other… well, it’s not yet finished, but soon!

Apologies to the other bloggers in the community on not keeping up with your blogs or my own comments recently, it’s been a wild ride here lately and will continue to be so until my surgery in a few weeks when I have an enforced 2 weeks off work. No idea how functional I’ll be for those two weeks, but I’m hoping to have enough painkillers so I’m feeling okay without being feeling doped up to the eyeballs so I can try some blog-catch-ups by then!