Marvel Zombies: HULK (Zombie Version)

Marvel Zombies Zombie Hulk Miniature Zombicide CMON

Today we have a rather well-known character from CMON’s Marvel Zombies games. Hulk! I’ve only painted the Zombie version here, as the key part of Hulk’s costume is simply his shredded-but-stretchy (purple!) pants.

Marvel Zombies Zombie Hulk Miniature Zombicide CMON

Generally speaking, I like to keep my characters’ costumes relatively consistent between the Marvel Zombies, Marvel United and Marvel Crisis Protocol versions, but of course, clothing and costume variations will always offer some colour variations as well. With Hulk on the other hand – aside from those purple pantaloons, the rest of his outfit is his …skin.

Marvel Zombies Zombie Hulk Miniature Zombicide CMON

This has led to a bit of an issue with getting these done – with two versions of Hulk for Crisis Protocol that need to be built and gap-filled (oh, so tedious), one version for United that needs to be cleaned up and also needs to be gap-filled, and then two living and one zombified for Zombies (also needing clean-up prep)… well, it’s a bit of a mental barrier. Not to mention painting a series of them trying to get consistency. But then I realised something. Something obvious. Zombie Hulk only needs his pants to match the others – not his skin tone. Because he’s a freaking zombie!

Marvel Zombies Zombie Hulk Miniature Zombicide CMON

So then mentally… um.. freed. I was able to get to work on this big boy and get him done. To make things easier for myself, and because the colour worked well, I used a paint by AK interactive called ….Purple for his purple pants. Highlighted with that greyish-toned off-white that I can’t 100% identify because hand oils erase the paint names and numbers on AK dropper bottle labels. And yes, this section will serve to help me in the future in case I want to double-check. For his skin tone I went with some pale, off-whites to highlight and a more olive green for the shading, rather than the richer greens I intend to use for the living versions of Hulk. It also gives a colder tone (unusual for green) against the rich warm tones of the purple pants and red blood and gore.

Marvel Zombies Zombie Hulk Miniature Zombicide CMON

The AIM agents’s discarded helmets work as a nice little opportunity to add some additional spot colour to the figure, though there’s a lot happening on the model anyway between all that green, purple and red. It does tie him nicely with certain other models in the game at least…

Marvel Zombies Zombie Hulk Miniature Zombicide CMON, Betty Ross

I thought for the final shot I’d have a comparison so you can see what an absolute unit he is for the game – and who better to pair him with than Betty Ross? There’s actually a rule in the “Hero” version of the game where Zombie Hulk will revert to a much-more defeatable Bruce Banner if a hero has a bystander with them – calms him down for a brief moment. I like little thematic elements like that in my dice-rolling miniature boardgames.

13 thoughts on “Marvel Zombies: HULK (Zombie Version)

    • Thanks mate! Need to clear a fair few more models off the table and then I can finish assembing the MCP versions so I can paint all of the regular living Hulks!


  1. Awesome work mate, the paler skin helps the zombie look of the model. I would have been tempted to pick out the veins on this version like you see in a lot of zombie programmes, but that doesn’t detract from your excellent work. I’m sure I remember reading a hulk comic years ago where he had dark blue trousers, and of course the movies never have him in purple, so you do have some scope for changing the colour.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks mate – I see what you mean – black veins, etc. I went pale with them since I figure there’s nothing being pumped around in there anymore!

      I’ve seen some Hulk images with blue pants, but the old classic comics were always purple, so I just went with that!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hulk looks PUTRID! 😃

    I wonder if AK11132 is the one you’re talking about? Green Grey. I kinda forgot about all the nice variations of off-whites that AK has, mainly because I’ve been leaning more into the Reaper paints lately.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Very nice work on this one, mate! The purple pants are certainly classic but I like the paler green skin too. It makes him look sickly (a regular zombie could have skin like that, to be honest) but also is less gaudy than Hulk’s skin can look. Pairing him with Betty was a great idea as well 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks mate! I’m still mulling over whether to give regular a kind of muted, MCU-style “Ork Flesh” skin tone or to go for more comic-style a hyper-bright green-into-yellowish. Either way, it’ll be clearly different to this guy’s skin tone! 🙂

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