Warhammer 40k Frateris Militia Pt.1 (1997) (Paul Muller?)

Warhammer 40k Frateris Militia (1997)

I mentioned a few posts ago that as part of getting to painting again, I grabbed a bunch of figures out of a tub that I’d originally intended to paint simply and quickly with contrasts, until that didn’t happen and painting them at all didn’t happen for a couple of years (after the plan – all these figures are WAY older!) This pair are the final ones of that batch. Turns out I didn’t manage to get any more of them painted in February, so these ones get posted now because who knows when the others might get done? Much like the Hobbits and Ruffians, I went for a muted and semi-naturalistic palette, though these being 40k figures some blue denim pants were fine to add in.

Warhammer 40k Frateris Militia (1997)

Typically when I paint models like this I’d just go with red for the armbands, but in this case I went with yellow instead for …no particular reason. I also tried to give the bald guy a rough leather look to his coat, but it’s kinda hard to see. As always with low-stakes models like these, it’s very easy to try something a bit fdifferent on a whim to see if it works, because even if it doesn’t… who cares? These models date back to 1997 and the original Sisters of Battle Codex, from 2nd Edition 40k. I’m not sure if these are still part of any current 40k force, but that hardly matters to me. I got 2 blisters of these figures, and now I have 2 figures painted. Only 8 or so more to go – which whenever I get around to them will no doubt be mixed in with some more hobbits and some more ruffians to help attempt to keep some interest… They are also my final little batch of models for Dave Stone’s current Paint Whatchoogot Challenge for 23-4.

After checking with former GW sculptor Adam Clarke (Black Scorpion Miniatures) these may be Paul Muller sculpts.