Zombicide Survivors “Oksana” (Milla Jovovich as Alice from Resident Evil: Extinction) & “Thaissa” (Bridget Fonda as Maggie Hayward from Point of No Return)

Zombicide Survivors "Oksana" (Milla Jovovich as Alice from Resident Evil: Extinction) & "Thaissa" (Bridget Fonda as Maggie Hayward from Point of No Return)

And another pair of Zombicide models! This time we have a pair of survivors that hit two of the month’s themes – Dave Stone’s Paint Whatchoogot Challenge for 23-4 and Fembruary.

Zombicide Survivor "Thaissa" (Bridget Fonda as Maggie Hayward from Point of No Return)

We have Thaissa, who I’ve read is based on Janet Fonda’s character in Point of No Return (aka The Assassin) – which is a remake of Luc Besson’s La Femme Nikita. While I have seen Nikita, I have not seen PoNR.

Zombicide Survivor "Thaissa" (Bridget Fonda as Maggie Hayward from Point of No Return)

Stills I found online had her in a black dress rather than this teal number, but then again the stills were mostly promo images so I don’t know if she wears something like this at some stage. Regardless, since I’ve not seen the film, and we already have “Proxy-Ivy” who is based on Angelina Jolie from Mr. and Mrs. Smith (aka woman in black dress) and the long gloves it made my choice easy enough.

Because of all of the above, I just went with the card art, as it’ll be much easier to identify on the table (especially if both Ladies are drawn as survivors in the same game).

Zombicide Survivor "Oksana" (Milla Jovovich as Alice from Resident Evil: Extinction)

The second of today’s survivors is clearly Milla Jovovich in Resident Evil: Extinction. I hesitate to even give it the “based on” or “inspired by” disclaimers here! I’ve only seen a couple of these films at best – I’ve definitely seen the first and maybe the second? Ive certainly not seen Extinction, though. This figure was one that I’ve just been putting off painting for literally years. Why? Look at that outfit! Belts and straps and buckles and pouches and more straps and..  and to be honest, it’s the sort of mid-phase CMoN figure that probably looked amazing as a digital sculpt, but ended up with reeeallly shallow and fine details when turned into an actual tabletop model. I mean, I get it – this is how she appears in the film (except for the gunblades – they should be machetes).

Zombicide Survivor "Oksana" (Milla Jovovich as Alice from Resident Evil: Extinction)

But yeah. So credit entirely goes to Alex and Fembruary for this one, since I wanted to have another female Survivor model to pair with Janet – so I just knuckled down and gave Milla a rough paintjob – which works in this case due to the context of her rough, dirty outfit. And with that, another two survivors join the Zombicide roster!