Last Night on Earth: Zombies with Grave Weapons and yet another 7 Zombies

Last Night on Earth: Zombies, Zombies with Grave Weapons

Following on from the 14 LNoE zombies painted in a week back in early October, and then followed by another 7 painted later in that month, I knuckled down and painted up all of the remaining Zombies from my LNoE games and expansions in November.

As mentioned earlier, the Timber Peak standalone expansion zombies came in different shades of brown and green to the base game, so I decided to paint them in different schemes – the ones posted earlier being blue, and this last set of seven in purple.

Last Night on Earth: Zombies with Grave Weapons

Then there are these sculpts – from the Zombies with Grave Weapons expansion. it comes with a few cards and rules as well as two sets of seven zombies – again in green and brown, so that’s how I painted these ones. Nicely, these ones don’t have any repeated sculpts as the original set(s) do, so they were a lot more fun/interesting to paint.

Last Night on Earth: Zombies with Grave Weapons

If I had managed to continue posting in November, these would have all been posted up as individual sets as I got them done, but seeing as we’re now some time later – and these are all models from the same board game/expansions – it feels entirely approriate to post them up here together.

Last Night on Earth: Another 7 Zombies (Zomtober 2020)

Last Night on Earth Zombies

With all that’s been going on, I’d actually forgotten about Zomtober this year until a couple of days ago, so these models weren’t painted for Zombtober, but painted during it. (A shame last month wasn’t Zomtober in a lot of ways!) We have here a fourth set of seven Zombies from the Last Night on Earth board game. I’ve done these ones in blue, since the core game comes with Green and Brown, and then there’s the expansion Red set. The standalone expansion Timber Peak came with another 14 zombies, this time in Dark Brown and Dark Green. Since I’ve already been using a mix of light and dark on my colour-themed zombies, I decided to skip the “dark” versions of the existing colours and just go for a new pair of colours – so Blue for these, and the last set will be Purple. I’ve got that last set of standard zombies outside just needing some primer, so maybe I can get them done before October ends….

I’ve spent a bit of time looking for the “headquarters” of Zomtober in 2020 to add a link to these (and find out if appropriate urban and ruined terrain for a Zombpocalypse counts), but can’t seem to find it….