Unit-Ed October – Personal Round-Up &October 2018 Painting Round-Up

Another month down, and another month with a disappointing overall outcome. While knuckling down in the last week did get me over the line for my 1-model-for-each-day minimum for the month (with 32 completed in the 31-day October), I did have some larger plans that didn’t come to fruition. A unit of Orcs (because Orctober), a unit of Goblins (because Orctober), a unit of Wargs (because Orctober), a unit of Skaven (because Wudugast), two Imperial Walkers (because Dreadtober) and a Daemon Prince (again, Dreadtober) were all on the planned list, but none of those got completed (or even worked on with the exception of the Orcs).

So now we add this 32 to the 464 so far and have 496 so far. What was I hoping for in 2018? I think it was about 600. After the last couple of months, that’s looking less likely, as I’d need to hit an average of 53 each in November and December, and what with it being about to get ker-azy at work as we hurtle towards Christmas and the end of the year, and my own relentless exhaustion, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that. Still, 500 is all but guaranteed now, so that’s something, right? When I do my final 2018 round-up I’ll have to see just how many are bits of nearly-meaningless scatter terrain…

Oh, and here are my units once again. A bit weak by my usual standard with only 25 models/3 units, but there it is:

Undead Legionaires/Poxwalkers.

Imperial Officers.

Uruk-Hai Berserkers.

My plan is to get the community round-up for October done sooner rather than later, but at worst the plan is to have it up in two days at best and by next weekend at worst. So if you’ve still got to varnish or photograph (or link!) your pics, then get it done ASAP! Link them in the comments here in the announcement post if you haven’t already done so!