Star Wars Imperial Assault: AT-DP (Mechanical November ’18)

Star Wars Imperial Assault: AT-DP

Today we have my first piece for Mechanical November. It’s a walker from the Star Wars Imperial Assault game, specifically from the Heart of the Empire expansion. Now, Heart of the Empire is set on Coruscant, which is depicted pretty much a hive-planet, or like a Mega-City from Judge Dredd meaning wilderness is probably not all that common, but I decided to keep it consistent with the AT-ST I painted a little while ago, which was painted in an Endor-ish-friendly worn scheme.

Star Wars Imperial Assault: AT-DP

The AT-DP is originally a Star Wars: Rebels creation. AT-DP apparently stands for “All Terrain Defence Pod”, in case you were wondering (I was, had to look it up!) Looking at the illustration above, you can see how the model makers have completely excised the middle section of the legs, resulting in a much shorter model than we would otherwise have had. Even so, it’s significantly taller than the AT-ST model (I’ll get some comparison pics up soon!)

Star Wars Imperial Assault: AT-DP

The level of detail on the model is quite variable, as you can see. The “head” and “hips” having a nice amount on them, as well as the sides of the legs, but then the various knee joints on the walkers completely lack any feasible mechanical way to pivot. Still, it’s a nice enough model if you don’t notice them. Problem is that it can be hard to “unsee”. And now I’ve pointed them out! :p The “head” was originally stuck in place, but buy clipping off the little knob there, the “head” now can turn freely. Okay. freely for about 20 degrees tops. But it’s something, I guess?

Star Wars Imperial Assault: AT-DP

While I haven’t got a photo of it alongside the AT-ST yet, here it is next to some infantry-type foot models.

I started this thing a few months ago now. Not quite long enough ago for it to have the 6 months to qualify as a “Neglected Model”, but long enough. Probably around August, shortly after finishing the initial AT-ST. I had planned to finish this for Dreadtober, but instead I managed to not finish anything, nor even paint a drop on anything for that particular hobby challenge. So now with the beginning of November, I forced myself to finish this bloody thing. So now it’s done.