Warmonger Miniatures Goblin Warlord (Kev Adams) (Jewel of July ’19)

Warmonger Miniatures Goblin Warlord, Kev Adams

A couple of years ago, when I was working out another of my Greek or Viking orders from Wargames Foundry, I noticed a banner announcing “Warmonger Miniatures” as an upcoming side project/sister company/offshoot of Foundry where the Ansells would be working alongside Kev Adams to not only rehouse their own fantasy ranges, but also provide a place for newer sculpts from Kev to go. I was instantly struck by the fucking amazing looking goblin featured on the banner so I rang them from Australia to ask about purchasing it. They explained to me that the store wasn’t yet quite ready to open, I explained that I really just wanted that one amazing goblin if there was some way I could buy it, and nice people that they are, they said that they’d sort something out for me.

Warmonger Miniatures Goblin Warlord, Kev Adams

So when my order arrived. The goblin was in there. I also found that the head was a seperate piece, and it was glued onto the body with the neck hewn rather roughly – they’d (probably) sent me the actual goblin cast that they’d used on the site to spruik Warmonger.

Warmonger Miniatures Goblin Warlord, Kev Adams

You know, I could have pried the head off, rejoined, and smoothed the neck and all of that. But then – what I had felt cooler than a “perfect” miniature. So I left it as-is. With paint on it looks fine.

…and I’ve just noticed I forgot to do the sword gems. Fuggit. I’m still counting him as done in July even if I do the gems in August!

Warmonger Miniatures Goblin Warlord, Kev Adams

The other thing that really stuck out to me was the size. This model, with it’s typically-characterful Kev Adams Goblin-face was BIG. Much bigger than a normal goblin. More on that in a minute, though. So I figured out a base to put him onto eventually, and then took over a year to finish him. Working in dribs and drabs, getting closer one month only to be forgotten entirely the next. This is where the Rackham Goblin I got from Carlo currently sits – in the slow queue, on the painting desk, slowly moving forward to eventual completion…

Warmonger Miniatures Goblin Warlord, Kev Adams

As I said. He’s abig bastard for a goblin. How big? Well, the pic shows pretty well. He’s next to a couple of generations of GW’s gretchin (space goblins, basically) as my painted fantasy gobboes are packed away right now, and a pair of GW’s Orcs – again from different generations. Next time someone complains about GW’s scale creep, let them know it’s not just GW! This is why I’m calling this fellow a Gobin Warlord. Makes more sense now, eh? 😉

As for this particular goblin… I can’t find him on the Warmonger site. There are a ton of very cool looking Orcs and Goblins there, but this fellow is nowhere to be found for some reason. I guess that makes this one even more special to me in a lot of ways. Certainly one that deserves to be a Jewel of July, and for me – a special model to even own.

Whups! This post was meant to go up tomorrow. That’s how bloody tired I am. Ah well, just 2 hours early won’t kill anyone…

Shadows of Brimstone: Scourge Rat’s Nest (Small Scenics)

Shadows of Brimstone Scourge Rat's Nest

Another slightly crappy Shadows of Brimstone model again today. One that’s both Neglected and Terrain and is also so uninspiring that it’s missed several challenges of each type at this point before I drove myself to complete it and just bloody get rid of it from my painting desk the other week. Truth be told, I didn’t even know what it was – I’d assumed it was some sort of beaver Dam for some reason – and painted it as such. It wasn’t until literally moments before typing this sentence that the resuls of 5 minutes googling told me what it actually is. A Rat’s Nest.

How could I be such a dumbarse? Well, because the Kickstarter was run back in 2013 with a projected ship date of August 2014. They finally delivered Wave One in 2016, with Wave 2 in 2017, and most of the stuff (especially Wave 1) was delivered via a box of unlabelled baggied sprues in a box. Truth be told, I still don’t know if I got everything as inventorying that mess was never going to take less than a full day of stressful cross-checking with online lists and guesswork as to what the fuck things actually were/are.

Shadows of Brimstone Scourge Rat's Nest

In an attempt to make it alook a little better, I initially based it on a 60mm flat round (aka old-school Titan base) and glued some offcut plastic tabs to it, to essentially sharpen up the super-soft details. Now that you know they’re there, they really stand out as offcuts. But they didn’t before I told you – which is kinda the point. Anyway, it looks ok. Good enough for a rough tabletop look, anyway. I might add some moss to it, but truth be told I don’t really want to waste my moss tufts on this thing, so…

Most importantly. It’s done and off the painting desk! Hurrah!!