Fantasy Flight – Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Heroes – Elena and Beravor #Fembruary 2022

Fantasy Flight - Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Heroes Elena, Elven Bard and Beravor, Dunedain Ranger

Today’s post features a pair of Lord of the Rings models from FFG’s Journeys in Middle-Earth core game. Now, you might be thinking… I’ve never heard of either of those names before, and you’d be right, as both Elena the Elven Bard and Beravor the Dunedain Ranger are FFG creations that did not feature in Tolkien’s writings. There’s an incresing number of these non-canon characters being added to the game via expansions, and while most of them are female, I’d say this is because there’s already a ton of male named characters to add in and include.

Fantasy Flight - Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Heroes Elena, Elven Bard and Beravor, Dunedain Ranger

Since it’s Fembruary, I thought that I’d prioritise getting this pair of Player character models done first, though there’s a ton more of all kinds yet to come. These player models were a nice surprise in comparison to models like the Wargs that I painted recently – nicely details but not over-detailed, cleanly cast, minimal mould lines, good quality PVC – so cleanup and prep was nice and easy. They’re easily on the quality of a lot of metal models I’ve owned and own. They’re not “boutique resin” quality, but yeah – surprisingly good for boardgame PVC.

Fantasy Flight - Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Heroes Elena, Elven Bard

Elena has an interesting pose – looking over her shoulder somewhat behind her. To get the full effect (and to see her face more fully) I decided to show the additional angle.

31 thoughts on “Fantasy Flight – Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Heroes – Elena and Beravor #Fembruary 2022

  1. They are excellent!! Gorgeous paint jobs (of course), and I love that over-shoulder look – difficult to get that right, but her pose is really spot on, as is her companion. Loving it!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is really exciting to see you paint something LOTR, mate! These sculpts are nice and I immediately recognized these characters from LOTR LCG which I think might be their first appearance in an FFG game. Regardless, you did a nice job painting these two ladies and I can see exactly what you mean on the sculpt quality. Its very nice and certainly above average for board game minis!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I didn’t know they were created for the LCG, but it makes sense for them to build those original characters across their licenced properties. I’ve got a ton more of these Player Character models to do, not to mention all of the mobs!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’ll be excited to see more as they’re really nice looking sculpts. I don’t love FFG’s made up characters but it is cool to see minis of them after only seeing their card art at the same time.


  3. Nice painting, especially the skin tones which are spot on. I think Elena looks a bit like Liv Tyler and initially assumed that it was meant to be her as Arwen from the films.

    Good on FFG for adding a bit more representation. I love Tolkien’s works but they are very much ‘of their time’ in that they are pretty much dominated by white boys.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Argent. There’s actually an Arwen model I also have here on my desk, though I haven’t started painting her yet. Now I’ve finished the Spawn of Ungoliant I guess I need to get working on my next Journeys model… As for representation, my thoughts are somewhat along those lines, though I think there are good ways and bad ways to incorporate more diversity into the setting (or any of these settings).


  4. Pingback: Fantasy Flight – Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Spreading War Heroes – Beorn (Beorning and Bear-Form) and Calaminth Took | Azazel's Bitz Box.

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