Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Captain Emelda Braskov

Warhammer Quest - Cursed City: Captain Emelda Braskov

Something different today – a Warhammer model that was released relatively recently! I started painting Emelda here after being inspired by seeing the female Stormcast Vanquisher painted by Wudugast, the creator behind the Convert or Die blog. When I first saw Wudu’s model, it was on my phone while I was out and about, so at first I thought the model was the Cursed City heroine rather than a Stormcast, so after I got home, I cracked open my Cursed City box and snipped the good captain off her sprue with the thought of getting her painted for Fembruary…

Warhammer Quest - Cursed City: Captain Emelda Braskov

It wasn’t until just a little bit later that i got back to actually reading Wudugast’s post, and found that the model which had inspired me was actually a different one to the figure I’d grabbed out and started work on, but by then it didn’t matter. As you can see by my photos, I pretty much went with “box art” as my colour scheme for this one – I figure I’ll go convert-happy with later copies of this model and can get interesting later on.

Warhammer Quest - Cursed City: Captain Emelda Braskov

Now that she’s complete, I’ve since been inspired not only by Wudugast’s Cursed City models but also very much by Alex of Leadbaloony’s fantastic series of Cursed City models and Dave Kay of Scent of a Gamer’s Cursed City series to add Cursed City to my roster of board games I’m actively working on. I also realised that I’ve got enough fully-painted models of all of the various kinds that we can probably play through the entire campaign using proxies – replacing them with the “real” models as I complete them. With this month also being “Monster MAYhem“, I’ve already got a few models getting through assembly and onto basing and priming….