Zvezda 15mm “Grey” Stug III AusF. E Platoons – Early-to-Mid-War for Flames of War

Zvezda 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. E Platoons - Early-to-Mid-War German for Flames of War, Battlegroup, What a Tanker, 1:100, 1/100

Another set of armoured vehicles for my Early War to Early Mid-War “Panzergrau” Germans. Once again, these models are from my stockpile of Zvezda kits, these were painted alongside the Panzer IIs I recently shared, as well as some other models that will be featured here shortly. The base FoW lists for both the Afrika Korps and “Iron Cross” are very, very similar, so I’m adding in different elements so I’m not simply painting the same force in two different schemes – At least not entirely, so as my revamped DAK force entirely lacks Stugs, this second German force has multiple units.

Zvezda 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. E Platoons - Early-to-Mid-War German for Flames of War, Battlegroup, What a Tanker, 1:100, 1/100

These Assault Guns were painted using the same methods as the Panzer IIs, though I really need to write down the process. I guess with my next batch of grey Panzers I should take photos and go through the process of writing up another simple painting tutorial for them (and for my own benefit!)

Zvezda 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. E Platoons - Early-to-Mid-War German for Flames of War, Battlegroup, What a Tanker, 1:100, 1/100

Once again, I had to modify the one-piece Zvezda upper hulls to allow for the use of vehicle commanders, I went through the same process as on the Panzer II’s, using spare commanders from Plastic Soldier Company German armour kits, drilling out holes where the hatches were located, cleaning them up with a scalpel and then adding in thin plastic card open hatches.

There’s not a huge amount more to say that I didn’t already discuss in the PzII post just a few days ago.