RPE Ice Troll: (aka Heartbreaker’s Earthdawn Bloodlore Troll)

Heartbreaker 347 Earthdawn Bloodlore Troll, RPE Ice Troll

Today we have what might seem like a bit of a random model, it’s RPE’s Ice Troll, that I picked up some years ago and had cut off the integral metal base, rebased on a 40mm square for Kings of War, primed white and then promptly left on a shelf in a cupboard ever since. I picked up thsi model to add in with my C23 Chaos Ogre and Berserker Ogre, in that it could easily pass as a not-quite-right Ogre, that’s perhaps a little chaos-touched to use in my Kings of War Ogre force as one of the Berserker Ogre unit.

Heartbreaker 347 Earthdawn Bloodlore Troll, RPE Ice Troll

He’s a little squat, and his head, embedded in his chest in a weird way with weird horn/tusks protruding from the sides of his face, and the overall sculpt is very much a flat one-piece metal model of that 90’s-2000’s period – but it was a reaonably enjoyable and reasonably fast palette cleanser after spending the most part of the previous month painting Zombicide models with a few Last Chancers thrown in. The details and things like the musculature are technically well-sculpted, which is a positive aspect of the model.

Heartbreaker 347 Earthdawn Bloodlore Troll, RPE Ice Troll

It does look pretty good front – or even back-on, so I think if I use this one in a Kings of War force he’ll be best placed in the middle of a unit, with other models on his flanks to “hide” the flatness. As far as the painting goes, mostly earthy tones with the exception of the shoulder pauldrons. I guess they were “supposed” to be painted like ice crystals because Ice Troll, but I thought a metallic green had a nice enough kind of weird fantasy look to it in my mind’s eye. With all of the fur and bone details on the model, I went with a middle “barbarian” skin tone befitting an ogre who gets a fair bit of sun (as opposed to an “Ice Troll” with lots of exposed skin?). I also wanted the bones he’s wearing and holding to be distinct from his tusks, skins and furs, so I went for white rather than yellowed bone.

So… yeah. Nicely detailed model and an enjoyable, straightforward bit of painting that actually has a use in my long-dormant Ogre Army…