Battlefront 15mm “Grey” Stug III AusF. F Platoon – Early-to-Mid-War for Flames of War

Battlefront 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. F Platoon - Early-to-Mid-War German for Flames of War, Battlegroup, What a Tanker, 1:100, 1/100

Here’s the last of my Panzer grey Stug IIIs – a single platoon of the Ausf.F variants, upgunned with the longer 7.5 cm StuK 40 L/43 gun. As with the previous Stugs and Panzer II’s I also added in a unit commander’s head in an open hatch taken from a PSC spare. I also forgot to mention in those previous posts that all 15 of these tanks have had some simply milliput stowage added to them following the modelling/assembly phase.

Battlefront 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. F Platoon - Early-to-Mid-War German for Flames of War, Battlegroup, What a Tanker, 1:100, 1/100

Once again, these were painted using the same methods as the Panzer IIs and the previously-shown batch of Stug III Es. They were all batch-painted together for the “big” elements, and then finished in sequential batches, though using the same techniques and weathering style. The numbers on this platoon fit in with the Es, though I did change the style of balkenkruz to a slightly later version – though both types were still common across one another so they do both work together in the same units and force.

Battlefront 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. F Platoon - Early-to-Mid-War German for Flames of War, Battlegroup, What a Tanker, 1:100, 1/100

These models are from Battlefront, and are resin and metal models. Unfortunately, the metal main guns were just really bent and warped to the point where I was really unhappy with them. Luckily, I had some spare Stug cannons in my bits box that both matched the supplied metal ones, with the correct mantlets and muzzle brakes, so I did a small amount of surgery and was able to add in these nice, straight plastic weapons to the vehicles.

Battlefront 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. F Platoon, Zvezda 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. E Platoons - Early-to-Mid-War German for Flames of War, Battlegroup, What a Tanker, 1:100, 1/100

In the Iron Cross force lists, Flames of War allows for up to two platoons of Stugs which can either be the short-barreled Es or these longer-barreled Fs.

Battlefront 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. F Platoon, Zvezda 15mm "Grey" Stug III AusF. E Platoons - Early-to-Mid-War German for Flames of War, Battlegroup, What a Tanker, 1:100, 1/100

To give myself flexibility (and to use all of the early-model Stug models I’d purchased) I painted all three with the same grey scheme – of course, I’m not planning to worry about tournaments or anything of the like (though I do like to use force lists as a guide to my painting and modelling) so I’ll be quite happy to play (or play against) all three units on the table at once.

24 thoughts on “Battlefront 15mm “Grey” Stug III AusF. F Platoon – Early-to-Mid-War for Flames of War

    • Thanks Dave! Next up for *this* force will be some Panzer IIIs, though as much as I’d like to knock them out, they’re still on the sprue and I have other stuff in front of the build and clean queue for the time being…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Cheers! There’s going to be a *lot* of Panzer IIIs for this force since I found more boxes of these earleir ones than I thought I had – so it’s that or add more to the existing DAK…


  1. These tanks look great and I’m glad to hear you could fix the bent pieces as well. The stowage came out nicely as well and was well worth your time to sculpt and paint them up. Little touches like these always help your minis standout 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, fix is a bit gernerous as I simply replaced them! 😀
      The stowage is often hard to notice – it’s not supposed to be the star of the show, after all! – but it’s a nice little thing to add so the vehicles don’t all look completely identical. Much easier if I decided to give them all a miss, but whaddayagonnado?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Pete! I’ll be working on both sides of that little encounter – though not likely going to do another set in whitewash and snow overcoats, etc…


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