2018 Painting Targets

Notsomuch a reflective post on 2018. I think I’ve covered that already, but something with aims for this coming year.

Black Templars Space Marines Crusaders, Terminators RTB09

1. Paint and finish some 2+1 marine forces/bump up existing small groups to this as a minimum.

By this I mean small forces of Space Marines – 2 units of infantry, plus a leader and something cool, like a dreadnought, tank, flyer, etc. This at least makes them playable or easily allied to other armies. Right now, forces which I’ve shown that still need to be bumped up to this level are Black Templars, Celestial Lions, Fallen Angels and Deathwatch, though I have another one on the go right now, and plans (oh dear, the plans) for several more. I’d also count finishing my 2006 Ork force in there.

Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine Army

2. Reinforce the existing 40k armies.

Specifically, both Minotaurs and Iron Warriors need some proper reinforcements. Even more specifically, there are two vehicles for the IW that have been staring at me for years, as well as another squad that I prepared the figures for and another hero model. Then there’s that mass of Tactical Marines for the Dark Angels I’m working on.

3. Sort out the stuff that’s painted but needs reorganisation to be playable in 8th edition.

I’m very much thinking of my Imperial Guard here.

4. Finish more of the stuff I started but never finished.

Aside from the stuff above, much of which fits into this category, there’s a unit of Elves just waiting on three models to be done to be completed. There’s a unit of DUST Gorillas, a unit of Undead, some Mordor Uruks, Arbites, Savage Orcs… It’s bloody exhausting to think about how many started-but-abandoned units I still have

5. Complete all of my metal Dwarf Slayer models.

There’s a few that got started but are sitting on the desk, but also a fair few that need start-to-finish attention. It’d be nice to have them all done, bar the plastics.

6. Complete all of my metal Viking models.

Exactly what I said about the Slayers, though there’s more metal Vikings untouched than there are Slayers.

7. Get a Nurgle Daemon army up and running.

What’s that? Decembuary? What’s that? Chaos Daemon Codex in a week or so? I guess I better get this show on the road, then…

I have no Grey Knights even started as of yet, nor any photos of their boxes handy, so here is a cat wearing a party hat.

8. Get a Grey Knights army up and running.

Daemons? Where? Better get the Grey Knights on the case!

9. Get a second Chaos Legion force up and running.

Death Guard? Thousand Sons? Black Legion/Sons of Horus? Word Bearers? So many choices, so little time to paint!

10. Skirmish forces & small miniature boardgame models updated/ready to play.

Necromunda, Shadespire, Blood Bowl, Gorechosen, SAGA (aside from Vikings)

11. Two small opposed forces for Bolt Action.

We’re talking in the 2+1 kind of size here, but we’re getting to a lot of figures I’d like to paint at this point.

12. Then there are unfinished terrain pieces, projects like the Graveyard and the Mighty Fortress, and scatter scenery, and…

The problem with having hobby ADHD, too many projects and periods, and gigantic wishlists like this of course is that there’s simply not enough time to do it all. I’d also like to exercise more/sort out a heavy bag/go to jiu-jitsu regularly, watch more quality TV shows that everyone else seems to always be talking about, watch more wrestling (notably New Japan and RoH) and go to the odd local indie show, play (and finish) more video games, play more boardgames, play more miniatures games… In short I have too many hobbies and not enough free time. Unfortunately, needing to work and the tiredness, and at times exhaustion that it entails puts a damper on all of this, so we’ll see what I can do.