Bolt Action! 28mm T-34/85 Tank Platoon

The Imperfect Modeller’s post featuring his US Willy Jeep got me thinking about my own limited assembly of WW2 plastic kits. I then found that this post was still Photophucked, so I repaired it, noticed it was nearing 4 years old, and decided to shine the spotlight on it again, however briefly.

Since this is a reblog, there are a LOT more photos if you click the link below for the full post.

Azazel's Bitz Box.

Warlord Games Bolt Action T-34/85 The T-34/85 platoon shows off their freehand slogans.

Well, I finished my first official Bolt Action models – a platoon of three Soviet T-34/85s. It took a little longer than I’d originally planned/hoped, since I wanted to get the markings more-or-less right, while still making the models look good. I found some information that the red star was used sparingly, (and that a white star was even used at times) and that individual unit markings were often left up to the company commanders, so after a fair bit of looking around, I decided that the red star added an attractive bit of spot colour to the models, as did the Guards Tank badge. I also added some freehand slogans, which was a lot of fun.

I chose to use freehand for the slogans because I wanted to have something a little more unique than the decals provided, and because I…

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