Neglected Model May ’18: Community Painting Challenge

As with February, May’s Community Challenge for whoever is interested in participating will be “Finish a neglected model”. Simply complete a single model (or more if you want) that you started painting at least 6 months ago, but still sits unfinished.

This challenge is designed to be Super Easy, Barely an Inconvenience. Last time we did this, ten of us managed to finish a figure or a few that had eluded completion for a significant amount of time, and by doing so, de-clutter the world’s collection of half-painted models by at least a small amount.

So if you’re keen for it, no need to sign up. Just pick a model that’s been neglected and during the month of May, make it into a completed model. If you’d like to be included in the wrap-up at the end of the month, it’s very helpful if you post a link in the comments section of THIS post, so everything is in one place when I go to stitch it all together.

And if you want some inspirations, just go and check out February’s wrap-up page!