Realm of Chaos – Nurgle’s Children 2018 #13: Sammy the Snail

This cute little fella is a random thing that ended up in my figure boxes. I don’t remember when or where or who it came from. It’s basically a life-size snail. I suspect that it was one of those little shelf knick-knacks in soft-ish pewter that people put on their shelves or whatever, and I can only guess that it came from my mum.

Since I’ve been painting the Nurgle Daemon stuff lately, I decided to get it done, finally. It’s not quite a Beast of Nurgle in stature (unless it’s a puppy!), so I figure it can be used as a non-combat familiar model. Maybe an Objective marker occasionally. Something to follow the GUOs around or put amongst the Nurgling bases like a protective guard dog for them. I could even use it as a Plaguebearer in a pinch.

It took longer to paint than you’d expect. Mostly in my dithering around on the shell colours and patterns. In the end what I settled for isn’t perfect, but it works and is good enough.

Here’s a size comparison shot with a Plaguebearer, so as you can see, Sammy makes for a pretty large familiar.