Zombicide “Jesse” (Gordon Ramsey) and “Doug” (Michael Douglas: Falling Down) (Jewel of July ’18)

Zombicide "Jesse" aka Gordon Ramsey, Zombicide "Doug" aka Michael Douglas as William Foster from Falling Down.

I almost titled this post “Where the fuck do you think you are? Get out of my fucking kitchen you fucking clueless muppet!” but then went with something simpler and more descriptive. And just slightly less Ramsey.

Zombicide “Jesse” aka Gordon Ramsey.

Today’s models are a pair of Zombicide survivors, the first is the kickstarter exclusive model, “Jesse”.

Zombicide “Jesse” aka Gordon Ramsey.

I’ve obviously painted both the Survivor and the Zombvivor versions of the character here, even though when we’ve played the game we really haven’t used the Zombivor rules.

The second pair of models from today’s batch are one of the starting characters from the Zombicide Season 1 Core set, as well as his Zombivor version that is included in the Toxic City Mall expansion.

Zombicide “Doug” aka Michael Douglas as William Foster from Falling Down.

Doug, being from the original set is a much rougher sculpt than the later ones (especially the eyeglasses). The zombivor sculpt is sadly even worse. At least from the neck up. So I’ve obscured it quite a bit with blood.

Zombicide “Doug” aka Michael Douglas as William Foster from Falling Down.

Sometimes the Zombivor models just end up looking like wounded versions of their “live” counterparts – Doug’s model being a good example of same. If I hadn’t bloodied him up this much, he’d look even less so.

Doug was always a favourite character when we played Zombicide regularly. His skills were pretty useful, and was a lot of fun. We never got to the point of breaking out the “Heroic” versions of the Season 1 survivors.

44 thoughts on “Zombicide “Jesse” (Gordon Ramsey) and “Doug” (Michael Douglas: Falling Down) (Jewel of July ’18)

  1. Nice job. I didnt know about these characters! I love falling down, its a shame the sculpt usnt uo to scratch. Well done making the most of a bad situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • There’s probably a better Not-Falling Down mini out there somewhere. IN fact, I think Studio Miniatures did one …which I might actually own? Not sure, I’ve got a few of his metal survivors.


    • I don’t think I’ve done a game-post on Zombicide, though I’ve painted a decent few player character survivor models. I haven’t written any posts on it, but it’s been one of my favourite board game series – my group played it pretty much weekly for about a year. It’s co-op, which helps immensely, but you can even play solo very easily.
      Here’s a pretty decent review by Tom Vasal.

      Falling Down is a really good 1993 movie with Michael Douglas. I’d tell you a little about it, but I don’t want to spoil it. Suffice it as to say if you’ve ever been fed up with society’s bullshit (and I’d guess you have, based on what I know of your recent history) then it’s well worth watching and very enjoyable.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What the fuck are you trying to serve here? This meat’s so far gone that even the fucking zombies won’t go for it! 😀

    You clearly had more to work from on Jesse than Doug, but they both came out looking good. I like the idea of having regular and zombie versions of the characters.

    The video for the Foo Fighters song Walk is a pretty well done parody of Falling Down, compressed into like 4 minutes.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, I quite like both the song and the video (and most of the Foo Fighters’ stuff, for that matter!)
      The Zombicide survivors are of varying quality – and on top of that some are more realistic while others are more stylised, so it’s a real mixed bag. Overall, they’re pretty good for Boardgame minis.
      You’ve also channelled Gordon pretty fucking well there! 🙂


      • Ramsey’s style isn’t actually too hard to nail when you’re doing it in text and have time to think it out. It’s his ability to come up with it spontaneously that’s really impressive.

        I also like how well he can switch that off. He only goes off like that on people who claim to know what they’re doing, who are making mistakes way below their supposed level. He’s incredibly patient and kind when he’s working with kids or adult students who are making mistakes because they’re pushing past the limits of their existing skills.

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      • Ramsey’s persona and person appear to be very, very much like an aspect of a (well done) professional wrestler’s (or manager’s) character – in terms of his TV persona, his character looks like his actual personality, though exaggerated, amplified and turned up to 11 for the purposes of entertainment. He’s a great talker, and “cuts a promo” in a believable way like one of the greats – Paul Heyman (when not obvously shilling), Samoa Joe, etc – not a hokey or cartoony act like Hogan or so many others.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Haha very cool man. Falling Down is a great movie. I haven’t seen it in years so now I need to see it. Have you got the Red Cap character from zombicide? I think his name is Red Cap Rodney and he has a big axe. Love to see you paint him man.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’d be about right! Still a model worth getting hold of once it’s in stock again. There are a few other “Not-Shaun” models out there, but the Hasslefree ones are easily the best.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, been a lonnnnmng time since I watched Falling Down. Great job on the minis. Doug’s shirt looks like a really light blue in some of the shots. But I’m guessing he was painted white with grey shading, like the Gordon one?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great work on the paint jobs.

    I was told i look like Douglas in ‘falling Down’ the other day.

    Can’t stand the sort of TV Ramsey does. TV in general really brings out my misanthropy but that goes even further.



    Liked by 1 person

    • I find his UK Shows more palatable than the US version of Hell’s Kitchen, which is much more a “reality show”. I mean. he plays the TV character of “Gordon Ramsey” in all of them, but the American version is much more cartoonish.

      …and stay off the golf course for awhile, maybe?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I never knew how much I needed a zombified Gordon Ramsey until now! That is spectacular. The likeness is so striking.

    I am waiting for my Zombicide Black Plague game to arrive so I can add even more minis to my backlog. I hope the sculpts are nice, otherwise I will use your trick of obscuring with more and more blood

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My wife is in the culinary profession, and needless to say we have watched all of his US productions. He was even in a town just south of here on one of his Hotel Hell shows or something like that. I showed my wife your Minis and she thought they were so cool, as did I of course.

    I just keep hearing him yell, “IT’S RAWWWWW!”….

    Liked by 1 person

    • If you can, watch some of his UK stuff as well. I’d imagine much of it can be found on YouTube. I haven’t seen any of his US stuff besides bits of Hells Kitchen, which was a bit too gamified for my liking, but I watched a couple of clips of what must be that Hotel one recently and it was much more enjoyable. There’s also a show my wife found called on Netflix “The Hotel Inspector” that wasn’t a Ramsey show, but was pretty entertaining.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: The Jewel of July – Personal Round-Up & July 2018 Painting Round-Up | Azazel's Bitz Box.

  9. Pingback: Zombicide “Ross” (John Goodman as Walter Sobchak: The Big Lebowski) and “Phil” (Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes: The Walking Dead) | Azazel's Bitz Box.

  10. I am late to the party, but that Ramsay zombie mini is just great. As others said, I can hear a distorted voice screaming over and over “Raaaaaaaw”. Great whites on Ramsay and the other character, while a lesser sculpt, also turned out well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha thank you. Something I’ve been trying to do for awhile is vary the way I’m able to do different shades and simple colours, so having a few different ways to do black, white, etc so they still “read” as the same colour but are still a bit different, mostly so I can use them to denote distinctly different textures of clothing items when I need to…


  11. Pingback: Zombicide “Ned” and “Grindlock” | Azazel's Bitz Box.

  12. Pingback: Zombicide Survivors “Amy” (Pauley Perrette as Abigail ‘Abby’ Sciuto: NCIS) and “Wanda” | Azazel's Bitz Box.

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