June-It: Painting Challenge 2018 Personal Round-Up

Now, late but still here, we have my personal round-ups from the June-It unit painting challenge. It was a funny month, June. On one hand, I’m happy with the quantity of stuff I managed to finish, but on the other hand I’m still disappointed in myself because of what I did not manage to complete – and no, this isn’t a ploy for sympathy or building up my self-esteem.

There’s a unit of Terminators, a unit of Primaris, a Unit of Savage Orcs and a unit of Skaven that I really did want to get complete, and had the four of them in mind when looking towards June – none of which really got any work of note done on them.

What I did manage to get done were 2 units of 5 Shermans, 2 units of 8 Skeleton Archers, 9 mounted Nazgûl and 9 foot Nazgûl, 3 Undead Ogres, a foursome of Emperor’s Royal Guard from Star Wars, a set of 5 of Conan’s Black Dragon Bodyguards, and a unit of Daemonic Plague Toads of Nurgle. Oh, and a Unit of High Elves that I started almost 5 years ago.

So, 11 units in all. Which isn’t too bad, let’s face it. But I’m still annoyed about those others…