Neglected Model September ’18 Painting Challenge – Community Round-Up

The Imperfect Modeller’s Andrea Miniatures Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne)

The Imperfect Modeller has gotten into the Neglected Model act in September by completing this model that had been neglected for a decade or more. Depicting John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn in the 1969 original of True Grit. As always, the entire model is amazing, but that Horse is a real thing of beauty.


mcmattila’s completed Tactical Marines

…and his completed squad!

First time participant, mcmattila has submitted the above Combat Squad of Tactical Space Marines, which combined with the first batch to form a full-strength squad. Some very nice painting here! As mcmattila doesn’t have a blog at this time, I’m putting his pics up here – hopefully he’ll continue to participate in these challenges!


Argentbadger’s Trollblood Fennblade Officer and Drummer

Argent Badger of The Bovine Overlord has continued with the Warmahordes theme in September’s Challenge, painting a command pair of Fennblade Officer and Drummer. His blog post features a group shot of them alongside their unit, looking very cool – so go check it out!


Just Needs Varnish completed another nice batch of figures in September. This time a mixture of Infantry, Armour and Civilian vehicles which all have a location and time in common – specifically the early Pacific War campaign in the Philippines.


Wudugast’s Skaven Plague Furnace.

Wudugast from Convert or Die completed a pretty impressive centrepiece model in September – a Skaven Plague Furnace. I’m aware of how redundant it is to mention when an enormous amount of work goes into a model like this one, but if you check out his post you really can see it in detail.


Red Boar Wiiingers’ Baruk-Khazâd Bastards Dwarf Blood Bowl team.

Red Boar Wiiingers from Presenting The Red Boar Wiingers! completed this Dwarf Blood Bowl team – The Baruk-Khazâd Bastards. They don’t look like a group of lads you’d want to mess with – on or off the pitch!


Dave Kay’s original Warhammer Quest Bats.

Dave’s Skeleton Jester.

Dave Kay, from Scent of a Gamer completed these old-school Warhammer Quest Giant Bats. Now they definitely look the part! Dave’s second submission was this Skeleton Jester which he picked up for Warhammer Quest, though I think it also has a very Mordheim feel to it as well.


Bifur’s Deathshroud Terminators.

Bifur of Sigmund Freud is Judging You completed this trio of Deathshroud Terminators of the Deathguard Legion. I know the pic is tiny – maybe we’ll see a larger version at some point in the future?


Backtothehammer’s Wood Elf Waywatchers…

…and his Ungrim Ironfist.

Backtothehammer was so enthusiastic about September’s challenge that he finished and posted these models on the 21st of August! A unit of Wood Elf Waywatchers as well as The Slayer King – Ungrim Ironfist!



Alexis “Westrider” West of Cascadian Grimdark had a very productive September – finishing quite a variety of Neglected models in the month of September. The Shadespire warband, Spiteclaw’s Swarm; a selection of Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower Heroes/Antiheroes; several Tzeentchian Daemons from The Warp, and finally – the containment chamber from the 40k Battlefield Objectives set.


Pandora’s Bitz Box’ trio of Tyranid Hive Guard

Pandora’s Bitz Box from the Krakendoomcool blog got his neglected unit done in contrast to Backtothehammer’s August submission – PBB got this unit of Tyranid Hive Guard completed this month, in October! Still, motivation is the key and given how late this update is I’m not going to be an arse about anything. On reflection, they could have easily been a submission for this month’s challenge of Unit-ed October.



Thomas’ Neglected Servitor.

Not sure how I missed regular Challenge Challenger Thomas from High Times on the Eastern Fringe‘s submission for September, but apparently I did. I usually see all of Thomas’ posts, but apparently I missed this one completely. I guess September wasn’t the greatest month on my end, so this sort of thing can happen. Anyway, Thomas completed this nicely-worn and weathered Servitor over September. The plan is to eventually mount him on a larger piece or diorama, which explains the plain base that he has at this time.


Joe’s Dark Eldar/Drukharii Voidraven Bomber.

Joe, of Joesavestheday painted a rather lovely Dark Eldar/Drukharii Voidraven Bomber. It turns out that Joe actually wrote a series of three posts on his Neglected Model entry progress, though I didn’t know they were a thing until just now. I’m genuinely not sure how I missed them, since Joe linked to the blog itself and more importantly, also to the post. Maybe WordPress won’t recognise a trackback to Blogger’s posts? I’m guessing that for non-Wordpress bloggers a direct comment might be needed.


Then there’s my own stuff, highlighted both in my last post, and in detail across last month’s posts on this blog.

Once again, I have to offer a hefty congratulations to all of the people who managed to get something done. The last months have been a real challenge for me to keep motivated myself, and this post is now half a month behind, but the doldrums that often hit me this time of year have indeed hit, and hard this year. I’ve got one unit done, and a probable second close to done with luck. With one more weekend left of the month, I don’t think I’ll be getting any Dreadtober stuff done, but there’s always a chance, I guess.

and finally…

Did you paint a neglected model during September? Did I forget to include you? Did we discuss neglected models in the comments of one of the posts or someone else’s blog comments and now you’re not included here? Just let me know in the comments below.

Not to be a nagging bastard, but that’s why I ask you to link back to me. I don’t need the money or the fame of a trackback, but it makes it a million times easier for me to round up the community posts and make all of the links. 😉