Zombicide: Black Plague – Necromancer (Mo’vember ’21)

Zombicide: Black Plague - Necromancer

A second model I finished alongside for this month’s challenge put out by Roger from Under the Wargames Table‘s  “Mo’vember” painting challenge – was this model – which was also sitting half-painted and needing completion. The Necromancer from the Zombicide: Black Plague board game.

Zombicide: Black Plague - Necromancer

While typing this, I’ve just noticed that I forgot to paint the gem on the Necromancer’s belt buckle, so I’ll hit that with one of GW’s gemstone paints. I gave him slightly glowing red eyes, though seeing these close-up pics I may have to go back and add a little more yellow to the centre glow when I add in the gemstone.

Rather than following a similar scheme to the artwork, I basically just went with a (still unimaginative) “Necromancer” palette around a purple robe. I kept the palette pretty limited excepting the bright green vials (and when I go back and drop in the gem). I haven’t played Black Plague (or Green Horde) in quite awhile now, but whenever I do actually return to them, I’ve got another key model done!