Star Wars Imperial Assault: General Veers

Star Wars Imperial Assault General Veers

Maximilian Veers was a male Human Major General of the Galactic Empire’s Imperial Army, famous for his leadership at the assault on Hoth in 3 ABY and other battles. Thank you Wookieepedia.

For some reason I didn’t think to look up a source image for Veers,  Instead, I relied on my memory – and got Veers’ hard armour colours wrong! (And also Weiss’ – As I painted them at the same time!) Well, in my defence, though – even images online have a bit of colour shift:

This image is the official FFG one for the Legion Veers model pack.

But this one is from!

Still, even with that variation between steel blue and sea green, how could I have gotten the armour so very wrong?


I guess I was remembering this action figure? Which I never owned as a child?

Or maybe this bust? Which I also don’t own. I guess we can see here that Media depictions of Veers’ armour has been ….consistently inconsistent over the decades.

To be fair, even the action figures have had just a tiny bit of variation over the years…

So my excuse is that i was operating from deep memory, rather than checking the source material. It does bother me a little bit, but not enough to repaint the bastards!

Star Wars Imperial Assault General Veers, AT-ST, AT-DP

Here’s Veers alongside his fellow Imperials from November’s painting. I never did get that hover-tank thing finished. Or started.

Star Wars Imperial Assault General Veers, AT-ST, AT-DP

And here’s the money shot – Veers alongside all three Imperial Assault walkers with a slightly Endor-inspired background. Now you know why I featured that scenery piece yesterday. To be fair, though – I’d planned to show it ages ago before I got overwhelmed by work. You also now know why their bases are decorated as they are.

Star Wars Imperial Assault: General Weiss & AT-ST (Mechanical November ’18)

Star Wars Imperial Assault General Weiss AT-ST

And now, the final one of my three Walkers from Imperial Assault is finally completed!

Star Wars Imperial Assault General Weiss AT-ST

This model is sold as “General Weiss” and serves as a replacement for the card token supplied in the core/starter box. Of course, most people using Weiss in their games would simply use the full-sized AT-ST supplied in the game. I suppose, unless the Imperial Player needed both the AT-ST and Weiss’ Custom variant.

Star Wars Imperial Assault General Weiss AT-ST

We haven’t faced this thing yet in the campaign, but it’s certainly kitted out for war, with quite a lot of gun-bling bolted onto the sides.

Star Wars Imperial Assault General Weiss AT-ST

The Weiss AT-ST also serves as an additional walker for those people who might be playing the “Skirmish battle” mode of IA, and therefore comes with Weiss’ extra over-the-top experimental weaponry as well as those of the standard AT-ST kit. Given that the model is really a “dual mode” one, I decided not to glue the weapons into their slots so that I have the ability to easily change between the two (and this way, I can more easily lose one set of weapons!)

Star Wars Imperial Assault General Weiss AT-ST

As with the other AT-ST that I painted a couple of months ago and the AT-DP I finished a few days ago, I went for “Endor/Temperate” style basing on this one, because consistency. Of course, it’s not entirely ideal when other imperials have “indoorbases and others down the line will need to have snow basing, but I guess that’s the thing when you;re going for model-appropriate basing rather then unified “army” basing as I’d do for something like Warhammer 40k, or Bolt Action or even a fully-fledged wargame like Star Wars: Legion. it is what it is!


As with the aforementioned AT-DP, this was something I started a few months ago after the initial AT-ST, then it stalled, then I planned to finish the pair of them for Dreadtober but didn’t manage to touch them with a brush, so I’ve finally gotten them done now for Mechanical November. A couple more down, uncountable more to go!