Citadel Lord of the Rings – Moria Goblin Captains

Citadel Moria Goblin Captains

More Lord of the Rings stuff today. I recently finally finished what felt like an endless run of metal Moria Goblins. I know some of them were definitely released as “Captains” while others were probably released as them, and others might have just been released essentially as metal grunts. No matter! If they’re metal, I’m promoting them to captains – to keep the unruly and also-endless horde of plastic plebs in line.

Citadel Moria Goblin Captains

Because of the piecemeal nature of how I acquired these figures over quite a few years, there was no strict rhyme nor reason why I have any given models. No attempt has been made to differentiate them from one another, with the exception of slight variations in dirty-hair colours. They’ll all stand out well enough when dropped into their own units.

Citadel Moria Goblin Captains

I could do with a few more spearmen and a few less swordsmen, for their Kings of War use, but c’est la vie. I added the little bits of slate in order to more easily distinguish them from their plastic counterparts when playing SBG and for friends less well acquainted with the various sculpts.

Citadel Moria Goblin Captains

The slate also serves to tie them in a little better with the model of Durbûrz, who will be one of the leaders of this force in many instances. Stones on bases becoming a mark of leadership – at least of sorts.

Citadel Moria Goblin Captains

The usual group shot of the models from today’s update. This many “Captains” will help fill out quite a few units for Kings of War, LotR SBG or anything else I might wish to play using them. I’d have taken pics of them slotted into their units, but it would be long and repetitive, and as such, bloody boring. So I thought I’d skip that.

5 thoughts on “Citadel Lord of the Rings – Moria Goblin Captains

  1. Pingback: Durbûrz, the Goblin King of Moria and his Shamans | Azazel's Bitz Box.

  2. Pingback: Azazel’s Bits Box: 2015: The Year in Review | Azazel's Bitz Box.

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