Painting December: Gigantic Fashion Choices

Yeah, I know.

Lots of posts right now. I usually try to do one every two days when I’m posting a lot, and rarely even down to one a day – but since I’m on holidays from work right now, and also soliciting feedback on the three figures I’ve been working on, I’m pushing out a fair few more posts than usual. So apologies if it seems like spam – I’m simply wanting to get these guys finished before December is done – and maybe even start another figure or two?

So here’s the Marauder giant WIP. I’ll worry about this bloke’s base in a day or two. Right now, I’m trying to work out what to do with his tunic. His skin is still very wip, though his hair is close to done now. I’ve gone ginger with him – I thought from feel but I noticed that the box art has a ginger giant on it as well, so it’s probably seeped in at least partly through osmosis over the years. Still, he’s giving me a kind of west country farmer combined with celt – despite the cut sleeves that are much more Swiss-German. As far as his extra bits, the barrel will be finished tomorrow, and the sword is pretty much done, barring varnish.

Marauder Giant needing some fashion choices.

So the problem I’ve got is how to paint his clothing. As I’ve said, I’d prefer to avoid the patchwork style of the box art, even though I’ve seen some lovely examples online. I’m tossing up whether to go for a mono-colour, some kind of [i]simple[/i] heraldic device (chevron or par chevron, etc) in two colours – red with a black par chevron? – or perhaps tartan? – though painting tartan on something this size could be nightmarish. I think he’d look great with a plaid over his shoulder, but I’m simply not willing to do any conversion to this figure that I’ve had for such a long time. I could buy another one, but that would be a bit excessive, even for me.

Painting December: Base-ic Choices (Part 1?)

See what I did there?

With the Talos down, I’ve been doing a bit of work on the Marauder Giant today. My order of bases came in as well from Firestorm, so it’s time to work out how to base Be’lakor. A couple of things first – I don’t much care about having a square base for this guy. If/when I use him in KoW or any game that requires Square bases, I own spare bases and blu-tac, so that’s sorted. His “official” base is 50mm, and so while I do lean slightly that way, again, I’m going for aesthetics over slavishly following GW’s official basing scheme.

I’ve included the 40mm shots just for completeness, since he doesn’t actually look that bad on them, though quite cramped. I’m also considering using lipped/WarmaHordes style bases, since they look quite nice, and are especially display-friendly. I’m not going to beat myself up about not all of my bases being 100% consistent. I’ve got hundreds of painted models, after all.

Oh yeah, Be’lakor is still very WIP at this stage..

40mm Round

40mm Lipped

50mm Round

50mm Lipped

60mm Round

I’m not sure if I own any 60mm lipped rounds, but if I decide to go for the 60mm size, I’ll definitely tear this place apart looking for them. Really though, I think the 50mm bases are the top contenders for me, as it’s a nice balance between size and Be’lakor filling it out. Still, the 60mm shot was taken for a lark and he does look much better on it than I’d expected.


Depending on how the weather is and how the weekend goes, I might have a similar quest for the Marauder Giant, and I’m currently struggling to work out how to paint his clothing, so I’ll probably ask about that as well in the next day or so.