Another Small bit of Fortune and Glory

I’ve been cleaning up a bit lately, and in amongst the junk I’ve sorted through was a little zip-lock baggie of boardgame figures – the Nazis, Mobsters and Evil Character models. It seems I removed them from the boxed game of Fortune and Glory (an Indiana Jones-styled “cliffhanger” boardgame set in the late 1930’s) right after I painted the Zeppelin and Pyramids, about 19 months ago. They were obviously in the painting queue, but never got past the washing with dishwashing liquid stage before getting bundled back into the baggie, and then lost for over a year as they got cleaned up and moved around.

Fortune and Glory’s Mobsters. Or Gangsters. I forget which.

As with the Zeppelin and Pyramids, these are very much boardgame figures. So much so that I didn’t realise how simple and soft and undetailed the sculpts were until after I primed them. Basically, they have nothing on green army men from 50+ years ago in terms of detail. I started both the Mobsters and the Nazis at the same time, but finished the Mobsters sooner. Hence, photos and this post.

Scale provided by Hasslefree’s Not-Shaun, CMON’s Not-Statham, and a Space Marine.

I varied their hats and shirt/tie combos slightly as well as their hair (brown or black!) But let’s face it, they didn’t get a lot of work since the sculpts don’t deserve the time nor effort. As they are now, they look better than plain green plastic – and that’s good enough for me. I could probably use them as cultists or armed civilians or even mobsters in some kind of miniatures game, but would I want to? Dunno. They’re not great sculpts nor great paintjobs, but they’re done now, and that’s what matters. Now hopefully I can knock out the Nazis in the next day or so and then get back to painting real miniatures. I think the rest of today will be taken up by New Japan’s Wrestle Kingdom 12, though…

(Yes, I wrote the text yesterday – didn’t get the photos done until today!)

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