Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jawa Scavenger

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jawa Scavenger

More Star Wars today, though it’s actually an official figure – the Jawa.

If you’re feeling underwhelmed by a post featuring a single, tiny model then imagine how I felt when I opened up the package to find a single, tiny model rather than three or even two of them! Yeah, I know that “Scavenger” is singular, but still…

The figure is pretty much this still in mini form.

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jawa Scavenger

A pretty straightforward paintjob really. I painted the robes with a mix of darker browns and more ruddy browns, in homage to my old Kenner Action figures when I was a child. I also painted the webbing belts with darker browns so they’d be a little more differentiated. The Ion Blaster was painted in dark grey with dark metallic highlights.

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jawa Scavenger

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jawa Scavenger

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jawa Scavenger

The base was done with GW’s Agrellan Earth crackle paint, and then drybrushed up to lighten it. I wish I could try to claim this for the Technical August challenge, but I’ve been using this stuff for awhile, so I can’t even fool myself into considering it valid. 😉