Star Wars Imperial Assault: Fenn Signis

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Fenn Signis

So I’ve finally gotten a second one of the player-character models from Imperial Assault completed. This one is the guy I’ve been playing, “Fenn Signis”. I’ve rebased him on a Sedition Wars tech base – I’m not going to do that for every figure, but for the Player Character models and some of the named heroes it seems fair enough. And it does fit Fenn quite well here.

Colours are simply based on the artwork for the character, so while it’s more brown than I’d normally go for, I’m trying to largely keep to the art in most cases here.

Speaking of “Fenn”, I of course recognised that the name was taken from/inspired by “Fenn Shysha“, a Mandalorian warrior from one of the old Marvel Star Wars comics. How did I know this? Because I was a huge Star Wars EU nerd? Not exactly. When I was a kid, I saw the comic that featured Fenn Shysha. This one:

Now if you were a kid. Actually, nevermind being a kid. Let’s just say that you saw this comic cover regardless of your age – who would you assume the main story is about from that cover art? Yeah, too bloody right. Imagine my disappointment when the cover art, lifted from a promotional still of The Man Himself has nothing to do with the character you’d expected.

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Fenn Signis

Anyway, enough of my bitching. The main point here is that I’ve finally finished this guy, and now two of the three PCs have proper models. Just one to go – Pyrowave is playing as Jyn Odan (aka Girl Solo, and she’s not that far from being completed. We’ve got three missions to go in the initial campaign before we have to retire these characters, so fingers crossed I get Jyn completed before we have to retire these three in favour of a new trio of PCs!