Hasslefree Miniatures “Ray” aka Shaun of the Dead aka “You’ve got red on you.”

There’s been a bit of discussion about this figure in the comments recently, so I thought I’d throw my painted one (for Zombicide) up again today… clicky for full text & images.

Azazel's Bitz Box.

Another couple of figures that I painted recently (at the same time as the first batch of Zombicide survivors) were Hasslefree’s Ray, and Dynamic Ray. Obviously I painted these as they’re Hasslefree’s take on Simon Pegg as Shaun of the Dead. Since all four figures were of the same character, it made sense to paint them all at once. I’m showing off these separately I think the Hasslefree models deserve their own post, and since people looking to check out the Zombicide or Hasslefree models may not be interested in the other. (Especially as the Zombicide one is no longer available/Kickstarter exclusive)

aka Simon Pegg as Shaun of the Dead Hasslefree HFA007 Ray and HFA052 Dynamic Ray.

Although these are shorter than the Zombicide figures, I prefer both of these to the “official” ZC sculpt, as they have more character to them and are nice sculpts, and the cricket bat looks like a cricket bat (particularly…

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