D&D Monster Manual 38: Wrath of Ashardalon Villains – Complete!

Dungeons and Dragons Wrath of Ashardalon Villains - Complete Painted Set

Similar to my recent post where I shared the completed Villains from the Castle Ravenloft adventure board game, here’s the set of baddies from Wrath of Ashardalon all together.

This is really a post where pictures tell more than the words, and besides – a good chgunk of these models have been shown over the last month or so as I worked my way through the set.

As with the Ravenloft post, if you’re perhaps new to this blog and interested in seeing more focused pics of any of the individual models, they can be found by browsing the “Dungeons and Dragons” category.

I’ll get pics of the combined Ravenloft and Ashardalon models posted up at some stage. Posting all my “D&D” mosters is a bit more difficult, since technically almost every fantasy model I own can legitimately be used in various flavours of D&D – so not only the mounds of Warhammer stuff, but also pretty much anything made by Reaper with all of their “Not-” models – so maybe I’ll just keep[ it to the official-ish ones when I eventually do take some pics of that nature?

I’ve barely scratched the models from The Legend of Drizzt at this point, so there won’t be an “all in” post for that or the other, subsequent games anytime soon…

As requested, I’m also throwing in a few “gaming” shots of Marouda and I playing through the Ashardalon campaign(s) over the last month or so, You can kind of see a progression by the models on display and the state of how painted they are.

Marouda’s Dragonborn characters – we played through using two characters each.

Encountering the Rage Drake boss! …

…and then Ashardalon joined in via an Adventure Card – this was before we re-read the rules and found that the Ashardalon Arrives! Card is supposed to be removed from the deck in most scenarios, making things quite a bit harder for ourselves when things like this kept happening when Ashardalon would drop into the other scenarios randomly and cause a bit of trouble. Then again, at that point we’d also not realised that the Ashardalon Breathes! card shouldn’t be in there but gets used in a special way once Ashardalon spawns, so those extra Ashardalon spawns were slioghtly less difficult, and when we drew the card otherwise it was effectively a turn free from random bad encounters.

We’ve now completed the Ashardalon game, and are playing through the Ravenloft game’s adventures. We did play through that campaign in its entirety with our former gaming group almost 10 years ago and back in that other dimension that we all used to live in before Pandemic. So I figured it wouldn’t hurt to run through those adventures again before moving to the Drizzt game.

12 thoughts on “D&D Monster Manual 38: Wrath of Ashardalon Villains – Complete!

  1. A mighty fine collection, that would certainly add to any game played. Even though I’m not big on board games seeing all this laid out I’m tempted

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Dave! I’ve found that board games, particularly co-op ones work well in the household. Marouda doesn’t really enjoy competitive or “pvp” gaming much, and especially now with Melbourne on endless COVID-lockdowns, games like these are the best (and in many ways, only) way to get some tabletop in!
      And they can be fun as well. Which helps. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. They look great, mate, and Ashardalon really stands out of the crowd, just like he rules the roost!
    I initially enjoyed the D&D board games but we tailed off playing Elemental Evil half way through the campaign, we found things got a little too repetitive, though I’m sure we’ll return at some point.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks! We started with Ravenloft, got screwed too hard by the RNG difficulty (mostly the encounter cards), moved to Ashardalon, played through the entire thing and have now gone back to Ravenloft as we’re a bit more seasoned with the mechanics.
      Though Ravenloft does seem to be the most “because screw you, buddy” difficult with just horrible encounter cards. Once we grind through that, there’s the DLC campaign that combines the two, and if we’re still up for it, we can move to the Drizzt box campaign.
      Repetitive does certainly describe a lot of the game’s aspects, though!


  3. Its not only cool to see all of the monsters together but to see you playing the game as well. I’ve seen the components of the D&D games before but few have as many nicely painted minis in them as your game does. I hope you and Marouda are enjoying your gaming. Anything fun can help you stay sane in these crazy times!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey again – another belated response. It can be too easy to miss comments on WP sometimes… :/
      Glad you enjoyed the group shot(!) – though I’m not sure it did help me stay sane in the end… 😮

      Liked by 1 person

      • No worries! I know what you mean about tracking comments on WP. There certainly has to be a better way. Not sure if we’ll see any improvements there anytime soon though. I suspect it isn’t a high priority for them!


  4. Pingback: D&D Monster Manual 83: The Legend of Drizzt Adventure Boardgame – Complete! | Azazel's Bitz Box.

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