Realm of Chaos – Nurgle’s Children 2018 #9: 3rd Wave Plaguebearers (Again!) (2001) 3rd Wave Plaguebearer Command (2007). #Squaduary Painting Challenge Success. #Fembruary Painting Challenge Success.

3.5 Wave Warhammer Plaguebearers of Nurgle Command 2007

If you’re sick of Plaguebearer posts, you’re not alone. I’m sick of them myself. The good news then is that this post represents the last of all my metal Plaguebearers painted and completed. Sure, I’ve got a ton of plastics to paint up at some stage, but since I ain’t touching my plastic kits until ALL of the older metal is done, we have a reprieve.

2nd Wave Plaguebearer of Nurgle 1995/6, 3rd Wave Warhammer Plaguebearers of Nurgle 2001

2nd Wave Plaguebearer of Nurgle 1995/6, 3rd Wave Warhammer Plaguebearers of Nurgle 2001

I’m sure they’ll still feature in some other posts. I should do an “Nurgle Daemon Army-so-far” post sometime soon and I’ll do a personal Squaduary wrap-up in the next few days, though I still need to put the final, finishing touches on the Wolfpack first. I’ll do the same for Fembruary, though that will be closer to the end of the month, or even the first weekend in March, since the month ends on a Wednesday and then I’ll need a few days to photograph and then write up a blog post. And of course, there will be my final February wrap-up post encompassing everything I got finished this month, but after that I can only see them turning up in batreps or subsequent “Nurgle Daemon Army-so-far” posts as the force continues to build up.

Realm of Chaos Lost and the Damned Original Oldhammer Plaguebearers Kev Adams, 1991, 2nd Wave Plaguebearers of Nurgle 1995/6, 3rd Wave Warhammer Plaguebearers of Nurgle 2001, 3.5 Wave Warhammer Plaguebearers of Nurgle Command 2007

Here they are, united with the original batches of “green” Plaguebearers.