Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machines: The Whirlwind!

Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machine Whirlwind Oldhammer

Before there were Bull Centaurs, there were Boar Centaurs!

Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machine Whirlwind Oldhammer

Now I’ve finally caught up on January’s posts, I can finally start on February’s.

Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machine Whirlwind Oldhammer

So …yeah, I finished the “February Challenge” to complete a neglected model on the 1st of February, when I motivated myself to get this guy off the shelf and finally complete him. Of course, with a challenge like “finish a neglected mini”, it’s the sort of thing that I’m naturally going to get done a whole lot of times, since I’ve got WAY too many neglected minis and intend to continue what I’ve been doing for quite awhile and concentrate a lot of my effort on finishing the very same, rather than starting too many new figures.

Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machine Whirlwind Oldhammer

I really put this challenge together after considering a comment from IRO, who asked if I’d be setting up another challenge after Painting Decembuary. Initially I didn’t want to because when there are too many challenges it can become tedious, but then decided to set up one that’s easily achievable, not only by my own self, but by others.

Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machines Oldhammer

This guy was released back in September 1991, and I got both the Tenderiser (still completely unpainted) and this model, the Whirlwind (predating the Space Marine armoured vehicle). I never got the Juggernaut, which is a kind of Siege Tower thing. It was too much for my finances at the time.

Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machine Whirlwind Oldhammer

The model was originally painted very similarly to the “official” one, but with a slightly more Khorne-oriented paint scheme, much of which still shows through today. Of course, over the last 35 years or so, the figure got knocked about, most of the “lawnmower” (as we called it) got broken up, and well, you get the idea.

Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machine Whirlwind Oldhammer

Last year or the year before, I gave him a new base, and did a little bit of touch-up, before getting a bit stuck and a lot distracted. So since then, it’s been sitting around, in the way, on the shelf, on the table, move it here, move it there until this painting challenge did finally motivate me to just finish the bloody thing already. In that sense, I actually have IRO to thank for finally getting this thing completed.

Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur War Machine Whirlwind Oldhammer

When I eventually focus on painting my Chaos Dwarves, I’ll fit this guy into the army for whatever system I’m using. Until then, he’s mostly a display piece – but most importantly, he’s finally done!