Squaduary 2018 Wrap-Up

Plaguebearers of Nurgle and Wolves

I’d never heard of Squaduary until Westrider mentioned it was a thing in the comments of my post discussing Community Painting Challenges for this year. Since I planned on trying to paint all of my metal Plaguebeaers after finding a stash of 27 of them in my Great Unclean One’s box late last year (with the actual GUO nowhere to be seen), I decided to join in. After all, I planned on painting the things anyway, and so that part was easy – and if the challenge could help to motivate me to get them all done in that time frame, so much the better. So over the course of the month, I managed to get all of the Plaguebearers done, a batch at a time. I’m not sure if Squaduary helped motivate me to get these done, but it certainly didn’t hurt.

I also had a bunch of wolves from various sources that I’d gathered together, and they had been kicking around for ages, getting in the way and generally being annoying. Since models with fur are relatively easy, and Squaduary is a “start-to-finish” type challenge, I decided to try my hand at them as well. Finishing them off a few days ago, after all of the Plaguebearers. For these, I can definitely credit Squaduary for motivating me to get them done.

So my total Squaduary models come to 27 Plaguebearers, plus 9 wolves. 36 models, so not too shabby.

With three (work) days left in February, and half of a Sunday (yes, I’m writing this blog post before the day it goes up and throwing it into the auto-post queue!), It’s time to see what else I can manage to complete for Alex’s Fembruary, and my own Neglected Model February. Now if only I could find my Vallejo Light Grey Wash…