Who Let The Do- Oh, wait. I’ve used that joke twice now. Here are some Wolves. (#Squaduary 2018)

So here we have a bunch of wolves that have been sitting around since roughly forever, that Squaduary finally motivated me to git’r’done. (That’s a word, right?) I’m not going to try to claim this one as a Fembruary post, though.

These wolves come from at least three manufacturers, and possibly up to four or five. Like a dumbass, I didn’t take proper note of what was stamped in their bases before gluing them down to the Warlord Games pill bases. I think some are either Ral Partha or RAFM. Or perhaps both? And possibly some of them once belonged to a non-citadel goblin chariot of some description.

They’re painted quite simply, and unlike on Conan’s wolves, I didn’t go all-out on trying to make their fur layers stand out, or mixing in of brown into the greys, or a lot of facial markings.

There are definitely at least a couple of different sculptors’ work here, even before we get the the final two (more interesting) wolves. I seem to have forgotten to photograph one of them in a glamour shot. Ah well. It’s still in the group shot.

These two are the ones with a bit more story. The finely detailed wolf is a Mithril Miniatures Warg that I purchased back in the early 1990’s. I wanted to use this more impressive wolf for a goblin hero riding a wolf. From back when Warhammer heroes and warlords and generals rode pretty much the same beasts as their troops did. Clearly, that particular kitbash model never got completed.

The rough-as-guts wolf with the cartoony snout is one of the few remaining models that I still have from my brother’s collection. It’s a Warg from Minifigs’s Lord of the Rings line. It’s a Large Wolf from Minifigs Mythical Earth line. So this figure dates back from 1977.

Finally, a size comparison shot, so these wolves can be seen alongside a Conan Wolf, a Space Wolf Wolf, and a Space Marine. These wolves will mix pretty easily into any game that needs wolves really. From fantasy to historicals to role-playing. Maybe even Space Wolves something something. I’ll probably make them a MDF unit base or two for Kings of War, though I haven’t played that game in an age now.