Mantic Terrain Crate – Pup Tents (February Terrain 2019)

Mantic Terrain Crate - Pup Tents

I don’t like to post twice in the same day (going by my own timezone, anyway), but I wanted to get that Warhammer Humble Bundle out there when I saw the S&B write-up this morning. This is the post I’d planned to have today, and since it’s a bit of pretty meh stuff, I’m happy to get it up now to get it done with. Another bit of Mantic Terrain Crate fodder today. A trio of very simple pup tents that I got in their first Kickstarter campaign. As with most of the rest of the stuff from this campaign, they’re simple pieces, fine for what they are. Now that they’re painted, they’ll make for a small bit of unobtrusive terrain in a variety of games and settings, and should fit in pretty easily with the similar stuff I got from Renedra awhile back.

Something more exciting tomorrow! 

Humble Book Bundle: The Horus Heresy 2019

Sprues and Brews spotted this and I thought some people might be interested in a pile of 40k/Horus Heresy e-books for cheap.
(Well, the humble email was in my email inbox, but Matt Crowther already did a nice write-up, so kudos to him!)

Sprues & Brews

Fan of the Horus Heresy? Well Humble Bundle have an awesome offering up today with a collection of books from the Black Library The Horus Heresy series!

If you haven’t done a Humble Bundle before, the general idea is that there are multiple levels with each offering more goodies as you go up the tiers – but essentially you can choose how much you pay! You then choose where your money goes split between Games Workshop, Humble Bundle or to charity with this month’s selected charity being Extra Life / Children’s Miracles Network Hospitals

Here’s what you can get for each tier:


This is an awesome chance to get a massive selection of Horus Heresy goodies for £12 all in!

Pick up this collection today over on Humble Bundle!

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