Terrain & Neglected Models Paint Challenge February 2019: Personal Round-Up

All of the completed February things.

Yep! Late as all hell. Work and stress and sick dad and all of that shit continues, with a result that I’m still painting but not as engaged with the blogging stuff. Besides, The Division 2 just came out and I’d rather lock myself in a room and do nothing but play that. Orez – are you listening? You’d love it!

One of the other major things slowing down this wrap-up is the fact that I went out and took photos, but forgot to include the 3rd-ed 40k walls in my wrap-up photos. Then I went out again a day or three later to re-take the photos but got mixed up in my “Neglected Models” list. The bunkers took awhile, but not long enough to be truly neglected – even if they spent most of summer sitting on the terrain table, taunting me with their size. So after two sets of not-quite right photos (I wanted a nice shot of the Neglected Models and another of the Terrain) – So then this delayed me yet again, before not getting around to a third set of photos, and saying “fuck it” so I can just get this damned post up…

Leonard steals the workout bench for himself…

The 34 models and pieces of terrain that I finished in February, when combined with January’s 45 brings my running total for the year to 79. I’m not sure how many I’ve finished for March yet. I’ve been working my way through a few and even photographed some, but haven’t counted them yet.

I’ll have to get the April Challenge Post up soon. That’s probably up next, in fact. Then I can start showing my March Challenge models….