February Terrain Challenge – Sector Mechanicus #1

As part of February’s terrain challenge, I’d hoped to get a ton of Sector Mechanicus terrain done. Clearly, that hasn’t happened, but I have gotten a few smaller test pieces done so far. Here’s the first one I completed. I used the crackle medium again, to see what kinds of effects I could get on this stuff after the recent Ork debris pieces. I also used some Ryza Rust to give some texture to the rust effects in spots. I also used different washes to add to both the rusted and grimy effects (thanks to Dave Kay for the heads-up on those 200ml Vallejo Wash jars!)

On the downside, the spray cans weren’t especially kind to the test pieces that I worked on, with some puckering occurring here and there on some of the pieces (my own damn fault – don’t prime heavy at night!), and I’m not entirely happy with the “speckled” effects of the different layers of the metallic sprays. Even though it’s a bit nitpicky, it’s just something for me to be aware of. On grungy terrain pieces like this one, it all fits in well enough and passes for good enough.